Tuesday, April 16, 2024


Flora is drawing a map of Australia.
Flora zeichnet eine Landkarte von Australien.
Veronika has started a study of the transcendentalists, but I will write about that in a different post.
Veronika beschäftigt sich mit den Transzendentalisten, aber darüber muß ich ein andermal berichten.

Spring seems to have come to our area.
Der Frühling scheint jetzt auch hier angefangen zu haben.

We have been busy with so many things!  Veronika is packing right now to leave by train to visit Miriam in NH.  Charlotte is getting ready for dance auditions in Colorado.  Miriam is watching chicks grow into chickens.  They hatched in her dorm (it was a science class project) and now they are in the greenhouse.  Flora had her last online acting class today.  Peter had a Russian speaker (who has fled Russia) on campus and was busy with events for and by the speaker.  One of my students invited me to her senior recital.  She sang tow pieces in German and it was lovely to hear.  I will take a picture of the program and add it here tomorrow.  

Wir machen im Moment so viele Sachen!  Veronika fährt morgen mit dem Zug nach New Hampshire, um Miriam zu besuchen.  Charlotte fliegt bald nach Colorado, um dort vorzutanzen.  Miriam schaut zu, wie aus kleinen Küken große Hühner werden.  Die Küken sind in ihrem Wohnheim geschlüpft (das war ein Biologieprojekt) und jetzt leben sie im Gewächshaus.  Flora hatte heute ihre letzte Schauspielklasse von ihrem Onlinekurs.  Peter hatte einen russischen Journalisten (er ist aus Rußland geflohen) zu Besuch (beim College), der Vorträge gehalten hat.  Eine Studentin von mir hat mich zu ihrem Abschlußkonzert eingeladen.  Sie hat u. a. zwei Stücke auf Deutsch gesungen und hat ihre Sache prima gemacht.  Ich mache später noch ein Foto vom Programm und lade es hier hoch.  

Josey, singing a duet.
Josey, die hier ein Duett singt.

It was dark, when I walked home.
Es war schon dunkel, als ich nach Hause gegangen bin.


  1. Such a pretty photo of your pathway home . . and such beautiful spring photos! Finally, spring has arrived and seemingly overnight . . the forsythia seems to have exploded! Miriam's little chicks are cute but I'm not sure how I feel about chickens, though I do enjoy eating eggs. Morgana's Austrian mom has several chickens which are like pets to her . . she enjoys taking care of them and collecting their fresh eggs. Her husband built her an amazing coop. She sometimes lets them out to run around in the yard. What will happen to Miriam's chickens? Will they go to a farm? (Very nice map, Flora!)

    1. Yes, everything looks so nice now. I think those chicks will go to a farm soon. They are in the greenhouse right now. We have friends at church and they have a big farm. The children of that family also like to cuddle with their chickens, which I find a bit odd. Flora has become quite good at drawing maps. This is a new development. For years, she simply could not do it.

    2. Drawing maps is fun . . how wonderful that she can do so now.

    3. Before she was not able to somehow see the shapes of countries. Now she even notices little inlets and bays.

    4. Good work for you both, Eva. Map reading has always been a favorite thing to do for me, and being able to see how we draw our physical surroundings on a piece of paper to understand better how our earth looks and how we can get around is a wonderful gift I think. It helps our inner and outer vision.

    5. Yes, I do think that map reading and drawing teaches many important skills.


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