Thursday, April 11, 2024

Tree Holes/Baumhöhlen

Our home ecology class was about tree holes today.  We hiked through the woods, looking for holes in trees and finding out what type of animal had made them.  Great fun!

Heute haben wir uns während unserer Naturkundeklasse mit Baumhöhlen und ihren Architekten und Bewohnern beschäftigt.  Dabei sind wir durch den Wald gewandert und haben nach passenden Bäumen Ausschau gehalten.

Pileated woodpeckers make holes such as these.
Diese Höhlen haben Helmspechte gemacht.

Good place for an opossum: They like to hide in holes at the base of a tree.
Wurzelhöhlen sind besonders beliebt beim Opossum.

Autism trail

The Glen Iris Inn is still closed for the season.
Das Glen Iris Inn hat immer noch zu, weil es noch zu kalt ist.

My two hikers
Meine zwei Wanderinnen

The museum is also still closed.
Auch das Museum hat noch zu.


  1. So nice hiking outside :) The falls are beautiful . . and the holes the woodpeckers make are quite large!

    1. Those are the falls we took Morgana too :). Those woodpeckers (pileated) make huge holes!

    2. Oh, I forgot that she visited them with you! It's so wonderful she did. Thank you for taking her :) xoxo


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