Friday, April 5, 2024

New York City

The trees are still standing in the city, in spite of the earthquake this morning.  We did not feel it here, but Charlotte said her walls were quaking.

Die Bäume stehen noch in New York City; trotz des Erdbebens.  Wir haben es hier nicht gespürt, aber bei Charlotte haben die Wände gezittert.

Charlotte has been busy with rehearsals for her performance tomorrow.
Charlotte hat fleißig für ihre Aufführung morgen geübt.

Flora and I ran some errands and it was snowing again, although it is hard to notice in this picture.
Flora und ich haben ein paar Besorgungen gemacht und es hat wieder geschneit, auch wenn man das hier auf dem Foto nicht gut sehen kann.

Time to learn the zigzag stitch!
Flora lernt den Zickzackstich!


  1. So lovely to see Charlotte dancing. I’m pleased to read via Dorina’s blog that they were all ok during the earthquake, it must have been a worry for you. Flora is doing well with her sewing xxx

    1. Yes, she was pleased that she was offered this opportunity. That earthquake came out of the blue: Charlotte called right away and wanted to know if we had felt anything, but we had not. Jonathan said that some of his classmates felt it, but he did not. I am glad that nothing bad happened to anybody! Flora is sewing very neatly :).

  2. This is a lovely video of Charlotte dancing in the studio :)


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