Thursday, January 17, 2019

Northanger Abbey/Die Abtei von Northanger

The first book Miriam and I are reading here in London is Northanger AbbeyHillsdale has free online lectures for it.

Miriam und ich lesen zur Zeit Die Abtei von Northanger.  Das ist die perfekte Lektüre für London und Umgebung und britische Literatur in der 10. Klasse.    

The students are coming tomorrow.  Peter has to go to the airport (90 minutes by public transportation) to pick them up.  He has to leave at 6:00 a.m. 

Morgen kommen die Studenten.  Peter muß sie beim Flughafen abholen.  Man braucht 90 Miinuten mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln dahin.  Er muß schon um 6 Uhr aus dem Haus.  


  1. Blimey, Peter is in for a very long day, thank goodness it is the weekend!

    1. He got back late afternoon. The students are dead tired. Tomorrow they will go on a LONG walk along the Thames with Peter and the other professor.

  2. How did you and Miriam like Northanger Abbey? I believe there is a BBC movie of it also.

    1. Oh, we are only reading chapter 10 right now. So far she likes it. We hope to see a movie once we are done with the book.

  3. It is a puzzling book by Austen! Thanks for the link! Our youngest has applied to Hillsdale which is just one hour away.

    1. It is a good book for young women, I think. I think my daughter can really feel for the heroine. My husband has two cousins that went to Hillsdale and loved it. The younger one became a Catholic there. He used to be a Lutheran before. There are quite a few serious Catholics attending. Good luck with the application!


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