Sunday, July 29, 2018

Last Day/Letzter Tag

Getting ready to dance
Gleich wird getanzt!

On Friday, the girls had their last day of summer camp.  Each group gave a presentation for the parents.  Peter and I first worked a bit at Wegmans (they have an outdoor seating area) before driving over to the museum village.

Am Freitag haben die Mädchen ihren letzten Ferienlagertag gehabt.  Jede Gruppe hat etwas für die Eltern vorgestellt.

 This is not in the museum, but on the way to Chili, NY.
Dieses alte Gasthaus (und später Schule) ist nicht im Museum, sondern auf dem Weg nach Chili.

When we arrived at the museum, we first went to see the Farm Kids.  
Als wir beim Museum ankamen, haben wir erst die Bauernhofkinder besucht.

Here, Flora is telling the parents about the pigs.
Hier erklärt Flora den Eltern etwas über die Schweine.

Flora and Ginger
Flora und Ingwer

Flora liked this little boy a lot and gave him a hug when it was time to say good-bye.  His sister was in Miriam's and Veronika's group.

Flora mochte diesen kleinen Jungen und hat ihm eine dicke Umarmung zum Abschied gegeben.  Seine Schwester war bei Miriam und Veronika in der Gruppe.  

 Then it was time to visit the other girls.
Dann mußten wir weiter zu den anderen Mädchen.

Peter joined the girls on the bench.
Peter hat sich auf die Schulbank gesetzt.

 Here, Miriam is telling the parents what games they had learned and played.
Hier erklärt Miriam den Eltern, welche Spiele sie gelernt und gespielt haben.

Then we moved over to the town hall to see the girls dancing.
Dann ging es zum Rathaus, wo die Mädchen getanzt haben.

Virginia Reel

Virginia Reel

Boston Tea Party

Spanish Waltz

After lots of hugs and good-byes, the girls returned their costumes and we drove home.  The museum staff thanked us again that we drove Miriam there for so many weeks.  She had done a  wonderful job they told us.  We stopped at the Perry Library book sale.  We found some great books for homeschooling.

Nach vielen Umarmungen und langen Verabschiedungen haben die Mädchen ihre Kostüme abgegeben und wir sind nach Hause gefahren.  Die Organisatoren haben sich wieder bedankt, daß Miriam so viele Wochen dabei war.  Sie habe ihre Sache als Helferin sehr gut gemacht.  Auf dem Rückweg haben wir beim Perry Büchereiverkauf angehalten.  Es gab tolle Bücher für den Hausunterricht.   

At home, we found two water pipe leaks: One under the kitchen sink and one in the main pipe where the water enters the house.  We called a plumber and he actually did come out (although it was a Saturday evening).  He fixed the main pipe, but the one under the sink requires a special part, which he did not have.  We will see when that part comes in and the leak can be fixed.

Zu Hause haben wir leider zwei Wasserrohrbrüche vorgefunden.  Der eine war unter dem Küchenspülbecken und der andere in der Hauptwasserleitung.  Wir haben es geschafft, einen Klempner zu finden, der am Samstagabend kommen konnte.  Er hat das Hauptwasserrohr reparieren können, doch fehlte ihm ein nötiges Teil, um das Rohr unter dem Spülbecken reparieren zu können.  Mal sehen, wann dieses Teil dann hier bei uns eingebaut werden kann.

On Saturday, Peter drove to East Aurora to pick up new contact lenses for Jonathan and drop off shoes at the cobbler.  Jonathan and Miriam drove to the museum because Miriam was scheduled to work as a regular volunteer.  Jonathan went bird-watching at the nearby nature preserve and also looked for some shirts at Target.  After Miriam's work, Jonathan took her out to eat some frozen yogurt.

Am Samstag ist Peter nach East Aurora gefahren, um Jonathans Kontaktlinsen abzuholen und Schuhe zum Schuster zu bringen.  Jonathan und Miriam sind zum Freilichtmusem gefahren, weil Miriam dort als "normale" Helferin arbeiten mußte und Jonathan im Naturpark Vögel beobachtet hat.  Er hat auch versucht, sich ein neues Hemd in einem Laden zu kaufen, aber die Auswahl war nicht gut.  Anschließend hat Jonathan Miriam zum Eisjoghurtessen eingeladen.  

Today, Peter played the organ in church and Charlotte cantored.  Miriam and Jonathan were altar servers and Veronika sang in the choir.  So there were only Flora and I in the pew.  In the afternoon, Jonathan and Charlotte had to work on campus.

Heute war Peter Organist in der Kirche und Charlotte war die Vorsängerin.  Miriam und Jonathan waren Meßdiener und Veronika hat im Chor gesungen.  Daher saßen nur Flora und ich zusammen.  Nachmittags mußten Jonathan und Charlotte beim College arbeiten.

And now it is evening and our fridge just died.  We will have to call a appliance repair man tomorrow.  We just had some people here to fix our oven.   I guess everything is breaking down at once.

Und heute abend ist eben gerade der Kühlschrank kaputt gegangen.  Dafür müssen wir morgen jemanden anrufen.  Dabei hatten wir gerade jemanden hier, der unseren Backofen repariert hat.  Alles scheint kaputt zu gehen.   

But I am going to end this post with a happy picture: Jonathan bought Flora a hammock and set it up for her.

Aber ich werde mit einem schönen Foto enden: Jonathan hat Flora eine Hängematte gekauft und sie heute für sie aufgehängt.


  1. The girls did really well on the camp and I loved the dancing 😀 Jonathan is such a caring big brother taking Miriam for a yogurt treat and buying Flora a hammock. Hope the appliances are soon fixed and that nothing else breaks 🙂

    1. They had so much fun! Yes, Jonathan has been very sweet with his sisters. Well, the fridge will get fixed on Thursday. Today, the kitchen sink pipe got fixed. When the guy came, he realized that he needed a different special part and had to go find a store to get the part. There are no hardware stores close by. It took him a while to get back.

      In August, our bathroom will get remodeled because the wall behind the shower is "shot": That is what the contractor called it. We will need a new bathtub/shower unit, vanity, sink, toilet, floor, etc. Water has ruined the wall and the floor. It is not pretty.

  2. The hammock colors are wonderfully summery and Flora must be enjoying it. I love lounging in a hammock on warm summer days. The girls dance very well!

    I cannot believe how your appliances are breaking down! And the water pipes! Everything at once! Yes, I certainly hope everything is finished with falling apart and it all holds together now. It's always something!

    I heard a cardinal in the courtyard this evening. It sounded so beautiful. What birds have you been hearing?

    1. Flora goes into her hammock every day to relax :). She loves it, but gets motion sickness if it moves too much.

      The girls learned so many wonderful dances! I think they had a wonderful time and a great teacher.

      This seems to be a bad year for us. At least the pipes are fixed now. The refrigerator guy will come on Thursday and bathroom remodeling will start mid August. It will be hard to live with just one bathroom for a while.

      We also get cardinals in the evenings. My favorite bird is the catbird. He sings so beautifully in our backyard!

    2. I'm not familiar with the cat bird's calls. I'll have to look it up.

      We also need to work on our bathroom. The shower tiles are old and need to be replaced. I re-caulked it once, but it could use a major overhaul. Good luck with yours!

      I also like how Flora made friends with the cat :)

    3. It can be very melodious and sweet. At least ours sings like that :). The first time I heard it, it reminded me of a European blackbird.

      Tile work is very expensive! We don't have tiles and won't get them because our bathroom is so "flimsy." You need good walls to support them. Make sure you get a person who knows how to do work with tiles. I remember when you re-caulked it, I was very impressed.

      Unfortunately, the sink repair did not work. It was leaking again tonight. We have to call the plumber again.

      Flora told me today she wants to go to the museum to visit the cat Ginger again, but that was not possible today.

  3. Sweet Ginger! It's so nice to have a cat friend at the museum :)

    Sinks and leaks can be very persistent! We have a leaky faucet in the basement at Montauk that I am sure my dad tried fixing several times before he and my mom moved out, and I am sure that we've had the neighborhood plumber, John, in to fix it too. Of course it still leaks, so we keep the water for it turned off. It probably needs new hardware and maybe even new pipes. One of these days we will have to pay more attention to it.

    1. Today, Flora wanted to visit her . . .

      Oh, in the basement is even worse! I hope you will be able to fix it. Maybe it contributes to the mold?


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