Monday, October 9, 2017

Monday Work/Montagsarbeit

Today is my day for grading Miriam's work.  I am in the middle of doing her algebra and have to say grading algebra is really boring!  So I am taking a break to post a few pictures here.  

Heute ist mein Miriamhausaufgabenkorrektur Tag.  Ich verbessere gerade Algebra, aber das ist todlangweilig und deswegen brauche ich eine Pause, um ein paar Fotos hier hochzuladen.  

 Veronika is making progress with her Egyptian tiles.
Veronikas Fortschritte mit ihren ägyptischen Kacheln

Flora is comparing the length of several sand clocks.
Flora vergleicht die Länge verschiedener Sanduhren.


  1. Veronika's tiles are beautiful. What a lovely idea.

  2. Wie hübsch die Kacheln werden!

    1. Sie sind heute fertig geworden, muß sie nur noch fotografieren. Sie hat sich das ganz alleine ausgedacht.

  3. Yes! Veronika has taken such good care with her color choices and the small drawings within the tiles. They're really lovely.

    Did Flora find anything out about the length of the sand clocks? Were they all the same?

    1. She put a lot of thought into them and studied Egyptian designs for inspirations.

      She actually wrote it down! All by herself! She wrote down which clock was first finished and how many minutes they took. She asked me how to spell first, second, and third, but still. I was so amazed.


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