Saturday, October 7, 2017


Another nice and warm fall day.  I decided to wash our shower curtains and liners.  

Wieder ein schöner und warmer Herbsttag und daher habe ich die Duschvorhänge und Futter gewaschen.  

We ate our supper outside and had a short chat with one of Peter's colleagues and his wife (they were out for a walk, looking for birds) and later with the psychology professor, who was taking his dog for a walk.

Wir haben draußen gegessen und haben uns kurz mit einem Kollegen von Peter und dessen Frau unterhalten (sie gingen spazieren und wollten Vögel beobachten) und danach mit dem Psychologieprofessor, der mit seinem Hund spazieren ging.  

Peter sent some pictures from his conference.  Here is one.  
Peter hat einige Fotos von seiner Konferenz geschickt.  Hier ist eins davon.  

We all met Hans when we were in California.  He is from Switzerland.
Wir kennen alle Hans, weil wir ihn in Kalifornien kennengelernt haben.  Er kommt aus der Schweiz.

And Flora is really enjoying Farmer Boy as an audio book.  I still remember when I read this to Jonathan when he was in third grade.

Und Flora mag das Hörbuch Farmer Boy sehr gerne, was es jedoch nicht auf Deutsch gibt.  Ich kann mich noch gut daran erinnern, als ich es Jonathan in der dritten Klasse vorgelesen habe.    


  1. The humidity is up again here, and it's very unpleasant, unfortunately! I think your outdoor dinner looks nice, and Farmer Boy was one of our favorite books. We really enjoyed his description of the meals his mother would prepare. Everything sounded so delicious.

    1. Too bad about the humidity. Flora drew a picture of all the food they ate. She is very impressed by all the dishes Almanzo would eat.

  2. Hope you have found your voice! Well done to you for finding an alternative route for the dance studio. I hope you have had a lovely weekend at home, all girls together. I didn't know that Farmer Boy was on audio, I will have to see if I can get a copy for Pip. I am currently battling with a sore throat and swollen glands on top of the Fibro flare. I have a computer that doesn't want to connect to the wireless printer, grr. Dave is pretty good at sorting things out, so I'm hoping he can work some tech magic :-) Happy monday to you xx

    1. My voice is back :). The weekend was relaxing, but we also got work done. It was good to be home for a change. We have been gone a lot on the weekends recently. You should try to get the audio of Farmer Boy. It is really well done. I saw it on the UK Amazon page. Flora is listening to it over and over.

      I am sorry about the sore throat. That is how Jonathan's bronchitis started. I hope it will not get worse. Is the computer working again?

      Did you get my e-mail for this week?


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