Saturday, October 15, 2016

Mice and Soldiers/Mäuse und Soldaten

 Waiting for the teacher to start
Sie warten darauf, daß die Lehrerin anfängt.  

Today, the mice and soldiers practiced for the first time.  Flora is the lead mouse and Veronika is a soldier.  

Heute haben die Mäuse und Soldaten zum ersten Mal geprobt.  Flora ist die Anführerin der Mäuse und Veronika ein Soldat.    

 Flora leading the mice (some mice were absent).
Flora führt die Mäuse an (einige Mäuse fehlten).

Mice and Soldiers
Mäuse und Soldaten

Then it was time for the gingerbread children to practice.  Both, Veronika and Miriam, are gingerbread children.  While they were practicing, Flora and I went to the bookstore.  They had a great book catalog about the latest children's books.

Dann mußten noch die Lekuchenkinder üben.  Veronika und Miriam tanzen dieses Jahr wieder dabei mit.  Während sie geübt haben, waren Flora und ich im Buchladen.  Dort hatten sie einen Prospekt mit den neusten Kinderbüchern.    

 Time for play at the bookstore
Spielen im Buchladen

At home, Jonathan and Charlotte had made a delicious lunch: butternut squash, turkey sausages, and mixed vegetables.
Wieder zu Hause wartete ein leckeres Mittagessen auf uns, das Jonathan und Charlotte gekocht hatten: Birnenkürbis, Putenwürstchen und buntes Gemüse.

 Jonathan and Charlotte did some bird watching in the afternoon.  There was an eagle right over our house.
Jonathan und Charlotte haben am Nachmittag Vögel beobachtet.  Über unserem Haus war ein Adler.


  1. Rehearsal time!!! Busy, busy Nutcracker days! I'm amazed at how much I still love this ballet after listening to the music over and over and taking children to rehearsal over and over . . :) It's beautiful and timeless :)

    Charlotte and Jonathan's lunch looks very good!

    1. Veronika likes to listen to the music all the time :). Peter complains when she does it too much in the car. He likes music, though :).

      The lunch was good and I was so happy they managed to make it while I was gone.


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