Saturday, January 23, 2016

Winter Nature Table/Winter Jahreszeitentisch

It truly is winter here, Jonathan and Charlotte made it out of D.C. just in time on Friday.  They had Mass in the morning and listened to a talk by Kathryn Jean Lopez, but then they were told that they would be going home and not participate in the March for Life.  All five buses went back at about 11:00 a.m. to escape the approaching blizzard.   They did have a good time, prayed the Rosary on the bus, and also sang.  Each bus had a priest along.  Jonathan and Charlotte were back home around 7:00 p.m. last night.  We have heard from friends heading back to Ohio that they got stuck in the snow half way home and were saved by the National Guard.  Some other friends are still in D.C.

Es ist hier wirklich winterlich.  Jonathan und Charlotte sind nur knapp dem Schneesturm in Washington entkommen.  Freitag morgen hatten sie eine frühe Messe und dann einen Vortrag von Kathryn Jean Lopez.  Danach hieß es dann packen und zurück nach New York.  Die Diözese hatte beschlossen, daß es sicherer wäre, wenn alle fünf Busse sich um 11.00 Uhr auf den Rückweg machen würden und nicht am Marsch für das Leben teilnehmen würden.  Das war natürlich enttäuschend, aber rückblickend wohl die bessere Entscheidung.  Es hat ihnen trotzdem gefallen.  Im Bus haben sie den Rosenkranz gebetet und gesungen.  Jeder Bus hatte auch einen Pfarrer dabei.  Freunde aus Ohio, die am Marsch teilgenommen haben, sind auf ihrer Rückreise im Schnee steckengeblieben und mußten von der Nationalgarde gerettet werden.  Andere Freunde sitzen in Washington fest.    

Here at home we changed the decorations on our nature table.  Now King Winter is ruling the land, although our Christmas tree is still up.   I also put up some postcards next to Flora's desk.  They are all fairy tale related.

Hier zu Hause haben wir unseren Jahreszeitentisch umgestaltet.  Jetzt herrscht dort König Winter, auch wenn unser Weihnachtsbaum noch steht.  Ich habe auch neue Postkarten bei Floras Pult aufgehängt, alles Märchenbilder.  

Poor Veronika has developed a pretty strong rash as a side effect of the antibiotics.  Miriam has had a milder rash.  Both are through with taking their medicines, but the rash can come afterwards as well.  I gave her some homeopathic remedies and some Claritin and it seems to be helping with the itch.

Die arme Veronika hat einen ziemlich schlimmen Ausschlag von den Antibiotika bekommen.  Miriam hat auch einen Ausschlag, aber längst nicht so schlimm.  Ich habe Veronika ein paar homöopatische Mittel gegeben und auch ein Medikament gegen Allergien.  Das hat den Juckreiz gelindert.  

Wishing everybody a good Sunday!  Einen schönen Sonntag allen!


  1. Morgana can empathize about the rashes . . She's had too many. They are always extremely uncomfortable. I hope it leaves them soon.

    Your winter postcards and nature table are so pretty! We finally took down Mary, Joseph, baby Jesus and the donkey. Now I remember that I wanted to dig King Winter out of the bin and put him up.

    Our tree is still up! We missed the mulching day as I was away in CT . . so now we will try to cut it all up to be composted. I don't think this will be an easy task!

    1. One of my brothers, Ulf, has also many problems like that. He is also a very energetic and outgoing person. Maybe that goes together? Veronika is also a "doer."

      Have you put up King Winter? We lit our tree the last time today and I will take it down soon (maybe Tuesday). We will give it to the birds :).


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