Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Draußen vor der Tür

Some of my German speaking readers will probably know what I am referring to: a play by Wolfgang Borchert.  Jonathan and I are listening to the radio play version of it.  The English title is The Man Outside.  I read it in school and find it perfect for high school.  It manages to bring alive the horrors of WWII in a subtle, but very moving way.  Also, the language and characters are very interesting.

Hoffentlich erkennen hier einige das Stück von Wolfgang Bochert, wenn sie den Titel lesen.  Ich habe es in der Schule gelesen und höre jetzt die Radiofassung mit Jonathan.  Ich finde es für dieses Alter sehr geeignet, weil es jungen Leuten die Schrecknisse des 2. Weltkrieges literarisch näher bringt.  Die Sprache und die beteiligten Personen sind auch sehr interessant.    

Speaking of "outside": Peter just sent me the morning view of "our" San Gabriel mountains.  He is on his way back now and will exchange sunny California for windy, rainy Western New York.

Da wir gerade von "draußen" reden: Peter hat mir ein Foto von "unseren" San Gabriel Bergen geschickt, so wie sie heute morgen aussahen.  Jetzt ist er aber schon auf dem Rückflug und muß das sonnige Kalifornien gegen das windige, regnerische New York austauschen.  

Off we go to hold office hours (well, I will hold them and the others will work on campus), drive to the public library, and do some more homeschool work.  Jonathan and Charlotte are teaching dance at the studio right now.

Jetzt geht es zum College zu meinen Sprechstunden, dann zur Bücherei, und es gibt auch noch mehr Schularbeit zu tun.  Jonathan und Charlotte unterrichten im Moment Tanz beim Ballettstudio.  


  1. Love the napkins, I agree with Flora far to pretty to use for their intended purpose :-)

    1. She is very fond of small blankets and uses my dishtowels for those as well. Her dolls and stuffed animals are all wrapped in dishtowels :).

  2. I think it's wonderful that they are teaching dance. How do they like it?

    We've had nice weather after the snowstorm. It actually feels like spring! This, of course, is not normal so in that respect it's not so nice . . but one really can't complain about sunshine and warm days (it's been going up to the low 40's).

    Good ol' California!! Do you miss it? Do you think you have a preference of where you would like to live? East coast or West coast?

    1. They are doing mostly creative movement, tap, hip-hop, and some ballet. All children are fairly young, some of them younger than Flora. They like the ballet classes the best, Jonathan does not do the hip-hop because he thinks it is uncivilized. They are teaching together with the main teacher and it seems to be working out fine.

      That is very odd, the temperature I mean. We have not had many ups and downs here. It is just cold, but not horribly so.

      I do miss it sometimes, especially the ocean. I am not sure if I have a preference, there are nice things about both places. Maybe half a year there and half a year here? That would be perfect.

    2. As I get older I find that i prefer to be in just one place, but there are so many nice places if given a choice I think I'd be like Hamlet: unable to choose. I like the east coast :) And I've noticed that your weather is consistently cold! I guess we get warmer temps from the ocean.

      We're not fans of hip-hop either :)

    3. Yes, I also don't have the urge to move or change places so much anymore. I was quite the traveler, but now Peter is traveling much more. He never really traveled as a child, so I guess he has to make up for it. Today was a bit warmer, but now it is really windy. I hope we will keep our power!

      So nice to know that there are some other people that think the same about hip-hop. We always joke that it is a course to teach children how to jump like a bunny. Charlotte has been wondering if she should take jazz classes, but is not so sure that she will like it. She just thought it would make her a better dancer.


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