Wirtschaftstlehre ist Pflichtfach für die Oberschule im Staate New York. Wir benutzen ein Buch von Russell Kirk, das als Schulbuch verkauft wird.
I handed in all quarterly reports, end-of-year evaluations, and the results of our testing done in May. Now I can start preparing the next school year. Those forms are due at the beginning of August.
Ich habe heute alle Quartalszeugnisse, Abschlußbewertungen und die Ergebnisse der nationalen Tests an die Schulbehörde geschickt. Jetzt muß das nächste Schuljahr bis Anfang August geplant und eingereicht werden.
Das gehört bei uns auch zum Pflichtfach, wie auch Recht und Politik.
ReplyDeleteSchön hast du schon alle Zeugnisse, Berichte, etc. eingereicht. Ich gratuliere! Ich muss meine Berichte noch schreiben, das werde ich in den Sommerferien machen, jetzt fehlt mir dazu die Zeit.
Wir haben auch noch "US Government", das müßte dann so ähnlich wie bei Euch sein. Das müssen wir auch noch machen. Das machen wir in Klasse 12. "New York State Government" muß man da auch noch miteinbauen und auch in den unteren Klassen unterrichten, meist in der 8.
DeleteJa, diese Woche war Abgabetermin, da das alte Schuljahr offiziell zu Ende ist. Dann muß alles abgegeben sein. Der Abgabetermin wird zu Beginn des Schuljahres festgelegt. Auch die Planung für das neue Schuljahr hat einen festen Termin, an dem alle Homeschoolers in New York State ihre Planung einreichen müssen.
Ja, das ist bei uns auch so, aber es liegen nur 5 Wochen zwischen Schuljahresende und Schuljahresanfang. Obwohl ich das nun schon so viele Jahre mache, finde ich es dieses Jahr unendlich kurz, in nur 5 Wochen die Berichte zu schreiben, die Planung für das neue Jahr einzureichen, mich vorzubereiten und hoffentlich auch noch etwas als Familie zusammen den Sommer zu geniessen. Naja, wird schon gehen :)
DeleteWow, das ist immer ganz schön viel, was ihr machen müsst, zum Ende des Schuljahres hin. Das ist aber je nach Staat unterschiedlich gehandhabt oder? Es scheint mir in NY eher strenger gehandhabt zu sein. Kommt auch jemand zu Euch nach Hause und guckt vor Ort?
ReplyDeleteJa, New York State verlangt am meisten Papierkram und Tests. Wir haben Quartalszeugnisse und nationale Tests, wo die Kinder eine bestimmte Prozentzahl in Mathe und Englisch erreichen müssen, um weiter zu Hause lernen zu dürfen. Nein, niemand kommt nach Hause, das wäre ganz unamerikanisch! Wenn die Schulbehörden merken, daß etwas nicht funktioniert, muß man in die Schule kommen und ein Gespräch führen.. Eventuell können die Behörden dann einen angemeldeten Besuch planen, doch nicht unangemeldet.
DeleteHier in Belgien kommt die Bildungsinspektorin glaube ich in der Hauptsache, um zu schauen, wie es den Kindern in den Familien geht und ob die Kinder verwahrlost werden oder nicht. Dann gibt es noch die Bedenken, dass die Eltern unschooling machen und die Kinder gar nichts lernen, sprich keinen Unterricht erhalten. Und da sind sie eben hier auch, wie ich glaube, sehr an die Regelschulinhalten gebunden. Den Waldorflehrplan akzeptieren sie vielleicht nicht, das werde ich im Oktober herausfinden oder spätestens nächstes Jahr, wenn das neue Gesetz raus ist. Mal schauen. Wäre das so unamerikanisch? Wie unterschiedlich das in den Ländern ist!
DeleteFür verwahrloste Kinder ist das Sozialamt verantwortlich, doch auch hier kann das nicht so einfach mal vorbeischauen! Das sieht viel zu sehr nach Kommunismus aus und paßt nicht zum amerikanischen Freiheitssinn. Daß die Kinder was lernen, sieht man ja an den verpflichtenden Tests, die wir hier machen müssen, egal welche Erziehungstheorie man benutzt. Ich hoffe, daß das mit dem Waldorfschullehrplan in Belgien klappt. Es gibt ja auch dort Waldorfschulen, dann geht es vielleicht doch?
DeleteGood luck with the school prep x
ReplyDeleteThanks San, this is the first time I will have to hand in plans for all five children. Flora will be first grade, kindergarten does not need any plans.
DeleteCongrats with your paperwork Eva. I know how time consuming it can be, especially with five. Do you keep everything short and sweet and follow the same outline each year? We always suggest to new members to keep everything simple. We have a mom who does a two week business workshop that has been fun for the children (what goes into creating a business, how to set it up, what finances are needed, how to advertise, where is the business located, what competition is in the area . . etc. . .along with discussing components of economics in the States). She's been able to have the class at our local library which is nice. Chanda and I haven't discussed next year yet for her . . though her Monday Waldorf teacher has been in touch with the group and trying to put together a meeting . . but of course everyone is away or is going away and doesn't want to be bothered! Well, we set a date for July 21st . . hopefully some of us will be around . . I think we should be. It's a Tuesday . . I think we'll mainly be away on weekends to see my sister and mom and dad. Do you have any more travel plans for the summer? Hopefully visiting local parks and historic sites? Or just enjoying being home and going through the sprinkler? That's always what I really enjoy :)
ReplyDeleteWell, the end of the year report is not so bad because I make them all take the standardized tests every year (Jonathan and Charlotte have to anyway because they are high school): I do not do those tests in the first four grades so I had to write a report for Veronika, but she is a good student so it was not hard (and I have the reports of her older siblings to compare notes with). For the fourth quarter report we have forms from our school district we can use. You just enter grades in a chart, that is fairly simple. But my IHIPS are a different story. I do put lots of work into them because they help me to plan my school year! I tailor them to each child and I do list supporting subjects, like foreign languages, that are not mandatory. Otherwise I would forget what each child had done in each year. I know that most colleges ask for a detailed list of what the student has read and worked on each year. Without my detailed IHIPS I would not remember and I would be at a loss to create college transcripts. I know that the advice is always to keep it short and simple, but I don't think this is a good approach in the long run. When we started out with homeschooling here, the LEAH materials also talked about just telling the school district the required subjects you are teaching and nothing else. We have a wonderful school district and supportive superintendents. I have never heard that anybody had a problem with the people at the school here. So I figured they would appreciate to read about all subjects I teach.
DeleteYes, it was cold yesterday and we were crazy enough to go to the Celtic festival. It rained all day, we got completely soaked, but it was nice anyway. It is supposed to be like this today also. It does not feel like summer here.
We do not have any big plans. Peter will be flying to D.C. for a weekend, Veronika will make her first communion in August. For that her godmother and a good friend from NC will come. Unfortunately, my brother, her godfather, cannot make it from Germany. Then Veronika will do the Waldorf school summer camp in July and Miriam will do the Farmer Boy summer camp at the Genesee Country Village Museum in August. Jonathan and Charlotte will do a ballet intensive here in town and they hope to do some volunteer work up at the village museum as well. We had been thinking about driving east once to look at a few more colleges, but I don't think this will happen anymore. We were thinking about NH and PA. College will start at the end of August, so there are also classes to prepare and meetings to attend. And Peter is teaching an online class, starting Monday, which will last eight weeks. What I do hope to accomplish is to start going through our possessions and discard or sell things. We have too much stuff and this house is too small and has zero storage space (no basement and no attic). Also, our yard is a terrible mess. And we will be working on homeschooling over the summer because we are not done with everything that I wanted to do. We do not have a sprinkler, but if the rain continues like this, we won't need one :))).
Your workshop sounds pretty good, sometimes our co-op offers classes like that, but not recently. We also still have to do the government high school course, which we will do next year.
You have a busy summer! The summer camps sound wonderful. Yes, I agree that writing it down for the IHIP helps keep it organized and shows all that hopes to be accomplished, but I mainly keep that in a separate notebook. It's good that your school district is so supportive. Here in the city homeschoolers and city officials sometimes create conflicts where there needn't be! Officials can be a bit brusque with homeschoolers who are a bit flighty. But most of the time the situation is copacetic.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy the celebration for Veronika! That will be very nice and I think I remember you saying that a pretty dress was picked out in CA? It will be nice to see when the day rolls around :) Yes, before we know it, it will be time for classes to start again and you have German to prepare for as well as the children's subjects. There is much to do . . good luck trying to work on the yard and the house in the interim. We have a similar situation in our second bedroom. Many old stuffed animals need to find a different home, and also many board games . . I think the local Salvation Army will prosper. I will also try to squeeze in some extra main lessons after Chanda's dance intensive ends . . and she has a few math goals to attain yet . . There is always something to strive for :)
It was a very chilly birthday. Tomorrow M and I will visit CT for a few days and then Korrina has her cooking school graduation. I hope you get some warmer weather :) Happy Summer, Eva.
I guess out here homeschoolers are not so opposed to the public schools even though they home school. There are quite a few families that homeschool a few children, but have others in school or other families that only homeschool the lower grades and then send them to school. There is a good relationship between homeschoolers and the schools here.
DeleteYes, we bought her a dress in California because the dress Charlotte and Miriam wore, a handmade dress from a local seamstress, does not fit her at all.. Don't remind me of German! I have not even received the new edition of my textbook.
Happy birthday again! I hope CT is warmer than NY these days. We even discovered some colored leaves today when walking to the post office. I hope that was just a joke.
Good luck with math and the stuffed animals. We have too many of those too, but so far we cannot let go of them. Too bad. I am working on getting rid of some other items, though. Korrina will be happy to have finished her course work, I am sure. She can be proud of herself that she finished it.
Happy warm summer to you too!
P.S. I like your new pictures
ReplyDeleteThanks, I am especially pleased with Jonathan's. I took it during our St. John's fire celebration. Charlotte took Veronika's and Flora's, I took the one of Miriam and Charlotte in CA.
DeleteLiebe Eva, ich wünsche euch viel Freude mit diesem Fach! Es ist doch eigentlich ziemlich interessant, nicht wahr? Ich habe öfter festgestellt, dass Jugendliche sich eigentlich sehr für diese Inhalte interessieren. Viel hängt dann natürlich auch davon ab, mit welchen Unterlagen/Büchern man arbeitet und ob z. B. ein aktueller Bezug dargestellt werden kann, aber das macht ihr bestimmt super. Also dann, gute Arbeit! :)
ReplyDeleteIch bin nicht so ein großer Wirtschaftsfan, aber es ist schon interessant zu lesen, wie alles zusammenhängt. Eigentlich ist diese Buch auch lustig, auf jeden Fall haben wir schon viel gelacht. Jonathan interessiert das allerdings nicht so viel, ihn interessiert dafür politisches Geschehen. Mal sehen, wie sich das so entwickelt, ich habe noch ein paar Bücher dazu aus der Bücherei reserviert.