Sunday, March 15, 2015

Peter's Children's Program/Peters Kinderprogramm

Twice a week, Peter takes the children out of the house so that I can skype with my students.  Here you can see what his "programs" look like:

Zweimal die Woche macht Peter Ausflüge mit den Kindern, so daß ich hier Ruhe habe, um meine Collegestudenten per Skype zu unterrichten.  Hier kann man sehen, wie seine "Programme" so aussehen:

 Down the path
Den Pfad entlang

 Through pretty valleys
Durch hübsche Täler

Past dangerous mountain lions
An gefährlichen Berglöwen vorbei

In case you ever wondered how big a mountain lion is in comparison to a bobcat, here is the sign for you!
Wilde Berglöwen und Wildkatzen gibt es hier häufig.  Den Größenunterschied kann man auf der Tafel sehen. 

To a safe playground
Zu einem sicheren Spielplatz

Maybe not so safe?
Vielleicht doch nicht so sicher: Klapperschlangen und Eichenblättriger Giftsumach!

Continuing on to a large tree
Weiter zu einem großen Baum

 Über 200 Jahre alte Platane

And back home with happy children
Und wieder nach Hause mit glücklichen Kindern


  1. I so wish Benedict and Pip could join your crowd of happy walkers!

    So pleased the book arrived and it must truly have been the action of the Holy Spirit as there were many other 15 days that I could have chosen!!

    Thank you for your kind and loving words for Pip, they made me cry. I really hate to see her suffering and I also deep down believe that her teacher has a downer on her :-(

    Happy Laetare Sunday to you all

    San and co xx

    1. Peter always tries to find a different park. Benedict and Pip would love this too. That must have been the Holy Spirit when there were so many other books to choose from.

      We did have a happy Laetare Sunday in Laguna Beach.

  2. Ooh! We would like to join Peter's Children's Program, too! It looks wonderful! Do your days continue to get hotter? We are up to 50 yesterday and now 70 today-- it's amazing! The promise of Spring feels very close now:)

    I look forward to commenting about circle time and haven't been able to yet. Soon!

    May God bless your weekend, Eva--

    1. He comes up with some pretty good ideas. It was 95 yesterday, but that was a record. Now it will cool off a bit again. 70 sounds almost cold to me now. Here spring seems to never end and never start.

      I hope to read about your ideas soon. Blessings to you too.

  3. So funny!!! By the time I got to Flora's picture I, too, had a huge smile on my face :)

    1. That is good! I do worry about those lions, though. There are also coyotes close to the Irvine campus. They have attacked and eaten small dogs. We have bears at home, but somehow those mountain lions look more dangerous to me.

  4. Abwechslungsreiche und abenteuerliche Gegend! :)

    1. Hoffentlich bleiben die Berglöwen in den Bergen :).


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