Sunday, April 20, 2014


Easter egg hunt:

 Waiting to start
Warten auf das Startkommando



 Miriam made us this card.
Miriam hat uns diese Karte gebastelt.  

Egg tapping


 Asparagus Salad: This was really good!
Spargelsalat: Sehr köstlich!

 Turkey Meatloaf
Falscher Hase

Small potatoes
Kleine Kartoffeln

Easter Walk:

Vom Eise befreit sind Strom und Bäche
Durch des Frühlings holden, belebenden Blick,
Im Tale grünet Hoffnungsglück;
Der alte Winter, in seiner Schwäche,
Zog sich in rauhe Berge zurück.
Von dorther sendet er, fliehend, nur
Ohnmächtige Schauer körnigen Eises
In Streifen über die grünende Flur;

Rivers and streams are freed from ice
By Spring’s sweet enlivening glance.
Valleys, green with Hope’s happiness, dance: 
Old Winter, in his weakness, sighs,
Withdrawing to the harsh mountains.
From there, retreating, he sends down
Impotent showers of hail that show
In stripes across the quickening ground. 

Aber die Sonne duldet kein Weißes;
Überall regt sich Bildung und Streben,
Alles will sie mit Farben beleben;
Doch an Blumen fehlt's im Revier,
Sie nimmt geputzte Menschen dafür.  

But the sun allows nothing white below,
Change and growth are everywhere,
He enlivens all with his colours there,
And lacking flowers of the fields outspread,
He takes these gaudy people instead.    

 Kehre dich um, von diesen Höhen
Nach der Stadt zurück zu sehen!
Aus dem hohlen, finstern Tor
Dringt ein buntes Gewimmel hervor.

Turn round, and from this mountain height,
Look down, where the town’s in sight.
That cavernous, dark gate,
The colourful crowd penetrate,

 Jeder sonnt sich heute so gern.

                All will take the sun today,                

Sie feiern die Auferstehung des Herrn,
                                         The Risen Lord they’ll celebrate, 

Denn sie sind selber auferstanden:
Aus niedriger Häuser dumpfen Gemächern,
Aus Handwerks- und Gewerbesbanden,
Aus dem Druck von Giebeln und Dächern,
Aus der Straßen quetschender Enge,

And feel they are resurrected,
From low houses, dully made,
From work, where they’re constricted,
From the roofs’ and gables’ weight,
From the crush of narrow streets,

Aus der Kirchen ehrwürdiger Nacht
Sind sie alle ans Licht gebracht.

From the churches’ solemn night
They’re all brought to the light.

What would be Easter without Goethe's Easter walk from Faust!
Was wäre Ostern ohne Goethes Osterspaziergang!

Happy Easter!
Frohe Ostern!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Marie. I was just thinking the other day, how strange it would be to have autumn starting now. Easter is such a spring day. All the symbols go with spring, but not with Easter. Do you ever think it strange?

      Happy Easter to you!

      P.S. I thought your crystal gnomes were so cute!

  2. I have enjoyed a vicarious Easter treat via your blog! No decorations this year or Easter garden, Dave did manage to take the children to church which is nothing short of a miracle in itself! Praise God there are improvements in his health.

    Are you back in work today Easter Monday or do you have some extra time off work? Pip returns to school next week.

    Hoping to email later today

    Much love

    San and all xx

    1. Happy Easter to you! So great Dave could take the kids to church. I have to go back to work tomorrow, ,Wednesday, Peter had to go back today. Easter Monday was off so that the students could travel back here. Many have a long drive or have to fly.

      Flora made a picture for Pip :).

      Take care,

  3. So schöne Bilder! Vor allem mit den Kindern. Wünsche euch noch eine gesegnete österliche Zeit!

  4. Das Essen sieht lecker aus! Was ist das für einen Kuchen mit den Blümchen?

  5. Danke, Bernice. Die Osterzeit ist ja so schön lang. Auch Euch eine schöne Osterzeit.

  6. Das ist Pascha, ein altes russisches Familienrezept, das nur zu Ostern gemacht wird. Es besteht aus Quark, Butter, Mandeln, Rosinen, Zucker und saurer Sahne. Es wird Karfreitag angesetzt und ist am Ostersonntag dann fest geworden.

  7. Everything looks so beautiful and delicious! What a lovely, lovely day! Thanks for posting the pictures. I really enjoy seeing how nice you make your table and how all of you decorate the rooms. What Easter egg dyes do you use? I've been wanting to try the ones from Nova, but haven't yet. I would like to find a natural green . . !

    1. Thanks, Dorina. We used German and American ones from Nova. The German ones are easier to use, but the American ones had lovely colors. Links: German and American ones. I think the German ones had the green.


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