Friday, April 25, 2014

Senior Art Show/Kunstausstellung der Kunststudenten

Today one of my German students, who is an art major, invited me to attend the senior art show.  All the seniors exhibit some of their art before their graduation.  It is THE event to go to and the gallery was packed.  I took Charlotte and Miriam along.  Here are a few of the art works.  It was hard to take pictures because of the number of the people, but it was also very nice to run into so many students and faculty we know.

Heute hat mich einer meiner Deutschstudenten, dessen Hauptfach Kunst ist, eingeladen, die Abschlußausstellung der graduierenden Kunststudenten anzuschauen.  Diese Kunststudenten stellen ein besonderes Kunstwerk als Teil ihrer Abschlußprüfung aus.  Diese Ausstellung ist immer sehr beliebt, und man tritt sich fast tot.  Charlotte und Miriam sind mitgegangen.  Man konnte schlecht fotografieren, weil so viele Leute da waren, aber es gab auch viele Gelegenheiten mit Studenten und Professoren zu schwatzen.

 My student's art.  He wants to go to grad school and study illustration.
Die Kunst meines Studenten.  Er will jetzt einen Magister in Illustration machen.   

 Art of the wife of one of my students.
Die Kunst der Frau eines Studenten von mir

Husband of Jonathan's art teacher
 Der Mann von Jonathans Kunstlehrerin

There is always food.
Es gibt immer etwas zu essen.


  1. Beautiful work! I think these events must be fun, and it's always nice to taste the goodies :)

    I enjoyed Father Barron's reflections. Thanks for linking to "The Path of Dispossession." Sometimes it's not easy to make one's own path and not worry about "keeping up with the Joneses" and instead focus on the love we have for each other. I remember reading this one and it's a good reminder. I also appreciate your thoughts on cooking while you were in Europe. My sister was actually more accommodating than I expected and set aside chicken for us one night when she was making a breadcrumb/swiss cheese/chicken dish. I went shopping and bought extra vegetables and salad fixings which I made each day so that everyone could partake. She appreciated having the extra vegetables and felt like our cooking complemented each other. That was nice :) (I also made sure to use the oven when I knew she wouldn't need it). They used to tease me about my food choices more often in the past. I think they've grown accustomed to it now. It's comforting to know that you have felt the same way. I think we're probably more self-conscious than we need to be! Of course, it often can't be helped, but it's good to breathe through it and let it go. Thanks for sharing your experiences. Allergies are not easy to deal with, but it's important to take care of ourselves and eat what's best for us. Life has changed for us these days, with all the different food concerns. I found out today that our friends are Muslim and couldn't eat the split pea soup that I had made with a leftover Easter hambone! I'm glad I had good bread and cheese, salad and fruit to take its place.

    Thank you for the Scholaric link. I think it looks helpful and will have Greg print out some pages for me (we still don't have a printer yet!) I think the frig reminders are important as you don't want to keep repeating yourself over and over. I definitely think many children need such means! It's a very motivated child who quietly does his/her chores without reminders! I think you are idealistic :)

    Main lessons take up a lot of time. I can see how it would be difficult for you these days with the German classes to take care of also. I wish I had some good suggestions . . have you spoken with Bruce or Rainbow? My friend was just telling me today that Bruce has been very helpful with breaking up the main lesson ideas into smaller doses that allow her to work with her 6 year old and 9 year old.

    Thanks for my hug :) I send one to you also as you begin this final run into the end of spring semester! I wish the children luck with all their performances. Remember to breathe and remember that it's okay if everything planned isn't accomplished. We lead busy lives and that is a good thing, if we don't get too caught up in having everything perfect. We're really very blessed with all our opportunities . . aren't we? We have to remember to love :)

    1. So good to hear that it all went well at your sister's! The ham story reminded me of my stay in a London hospital with Miriam, when she was a baby. Most people there were Muslim (it was in a Muslim part of the city) and I was always asked, if I wanted halal food. It was very difficult to explain that I didn't care about if it were halal or not, but that I wanted gluten free food! They also had kosher food for Jews, but gluten-free was very exotic to them.

      We also didn't have a printer until two years ago. Now we have a very simple black-and-white printer, a Brother HL 2270 DW. It only prints, even double-sided, works well, and was pretty cheap. Office Depot or Office Max often has a good deal, even free shipping!

      I think I will try Scholaric next school year. I do have to streamline our homeschool with so many students now. To do only main lessons is impossible, I need to have them work a lot on their own. I am doing a textbook main lesson approach these days with Live Ed! sprinkled in. That is all I can do for now. and I will enroll Charlotte for high school as well. I am thinking I will do Seton with her. I have talked to Bruce about other things, but not about scheduling. I only have about 2 hours each day for main lessons. There is nothing much you can do about this time frame. I have actually made some charts for myself to organize all main lessons better and have matched them with appropriate textbooks and I hope they will help with the younger ones. I might try to do some more main lesson work with Charlotte, but I am not doing any formal work with Jonathan anymore, other then reading certain books to both of them. He is not doing any main lesson books anymore either. He has too many other assignments for his enrolled courses and is behind anyway due to our travels last year. So my main lesson approach for high school is more a Charlotte Mason style approach.

      I tend to try to do things perfectly, I think first-born children have that tendency :). Peter is the same. So your reminder about breathing is good. I bought myself a yoga mat on Friday. I used to do yoga early in the morning, but with all the floor work and teaching haven't done so in a long time. With the hardwood flooring I needed a mat, so I do hope I will be able to use it soon. And thanks so much for the hug and all your thoughtful words. All the best!

  2. Lustig und schön wie dich deine Studenten einladen. Hier gibt es eigentlich keinen Austausch zwischen Studenten und Lehrern/Professoren, leider.

    1. Ich mag das amerikanische Erziehungswesen viel lieber! Ich habe auch als "graduate student" die Kontakte zu meinen Professoren genossen. Aber in Theologie in Deutschland habe ich auch einige enge Beziehungen zu meinen Professoren aufgebaut. Vielleicht hängt es vom Fach ab? Auf jeden Fall fällt das Standesdünkel hier in Amerika weg, "undergraduate students" werden aber auch eher wie Schüler an einem Gymnasium als wie Studenten an einer Uni behandelt. Die Kurse und Seminare sind ja auch eher wie in der Schule,alma mater und es gibt viele Regeln, die ein solcher Student einhalten muß. Sie dürfen ja auch fast nur in Studentenwohnheimen mit einem Mitbewohner leben, müssen anwesend sein, dürfen nicht rauchen und trinken, hier bei uns ist auch der meiste Tanz verboten. Ein amerikanisches College ist fast wie eine Familie, und deswegen unterstützen viele ehemalige Studenten auch später wieder finanziell ihre Alma Mater, so daß davon neue Studenten profitieren. Peter und ich geben auch Geld an Notre Dame, wo wir uns kennen und lieben gelernt haben.

  3. Eine tolle und interessante Gelegenheit, ich finde die Ausstellungsstücke sehen sehr vielfältig und abwechslungsreich aus.

    1. Unsere Studenten haben immer ganz tolle Ideen und viele machen auch mit Kunst weiter. Ich gehe immer gerne zu dieser Abschlußausstellung.

  4. :) Hi Eva . . I have finally caught up with your thoughts. It was good for me to re-read our posts for this day . . trying to breathe through . . I think I've finally become accustomed to my old dog's routine . . though it will probably change again soon. I also am much slower these days . . and M and C do a lot on their own. However, I do enjoy checking in with them on main lessons and field trips. Happy Spring!

    1. I should give you a medal for reading so diligently! Your girls are much bigger, Flora hasn't even officially started school yet, I am still trying to cater to almost every age group out there (except the little babies). And I always worry that I will teach them enough so that they can succeed at a college if they would like to pursue that.

      I am so glad you have been "talking" here with me. Thanks for being such a supportive blog-friend.


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