My sustainer and provider has come back, he took the wet laundry to the dryer (somehow our down comforter got ruined in the process, now we will have to freeze in the winter). Flora, Miriam, and Veronika are feeling better, but couldn't go to church today. Father had an interesting homily about the Holy Spirit (I attended our Tuesday morning church with Jonathan and Charlotte today). He's been going over the upcoming language changes to the Nicean Creed in his homilies recently. He also always has handouts with the current text, the Latin text, and the new version. Reminds me a lot of my theology classes at the university.
We finally put away our fans -- the warm season seems to be over. I made baked chicken breast and white turnips with leek, carrots, onions, and garlic for dinner. We got lots of white turnips from our farm, so we will be eating them regularly. I actually really like them raw. Both of my recipes are from a cookbook called Smart Cooking. It's a Canadian cookbook I bought more than twenty years ago when I was an exchange student there. It has lovely recipes.
No pictures today, I wasn't in the mood to take any. I was wondering if blogging isn't a big waste of time, anyway. But maybe my German family would miss it.
We will use Jonathan's pumpkins and buy some more for the children to carve tomorrow. They have been drawing designs today for their pumpkins.
Nein, die Überschrift ist nicht über Halloween, sondern über das bevorstehende Theaterstück für Jonathan und Charlotte. Irgendwie haben sie beide einen ganz unterschiedlichen Eindruck von den erforderlichen Kostümen bekommen. Also muß ich mal die Theaterstückleiterin fragen, was wir nun eigentlich in etwa einer Woche brauchen.
Mein Erhalter und Brotverdiener ist wieder nach Hause gekommen. Er hat gleich die nasse Wäsche zum Waschsalon gebracht und getrocknet (leider scheint dabei unser Federbett ruiniert worden zu sein, jetzt müssen wir im Winter frieren). Flora, Veronika und Miriam geht es besser, aber sie konnten noch nicht mit in die Kirche. So bin ich mit Jonathan und Charlotte zu unserer Dienstagskirche gegangen. Der Pfarrer dort hat eine interessante Predigt über den Heiligen Geist gepredigt. Er hat die letzten Sonntage die Predigt immer mit den bevorstehenden Veränderungen der Wortwahl im Großen Glaubensbekenntnis verbunden, welche hier in Amerika bald im Rahmen einer Liturgiesprachreform bevorsteht. Der Text wird dann dem Lateinischen enger angeglichen. Als Hilfe für uns hatte er den bisherigen Text, den lateinischen Text und den neuen Text ausgedruckt. Hat mich sehr an meine Theologiestudiumszeit erinnert.
Zum Mittagessen habe ich heute gebackene Hühnerbrust und ein Mischgemüse aus weißen Rüben, Möhren, Zwiebeln, Lauch, Knoblauch und Kräutern gemacht. Wir haben viele weiße Rüben vom Bauernhof bekommen und werden also oft davon in den nächsten Tagen essen. Die Rezepte stammen noch aus einem Kochbuch, welches ich mir als Austauschschülerin vor mehr als 20 Jahren in Kanada gekauft habe. Ich koche immer wieder gerne daraus.

Ich habe keine Fotos heute gemacht, hatte irgendwie keine Lust dazu. Ich habe mich heute ernstlich gefragt, ob das ganze Bloggen nicht reine Zeitverschwendung ist, aber vielleicht wären meine deutschen Verwandten dann enttäuscht.
Wir werden morgen Jonathans Kürbisse benutzen und noch einige dazu kaufen, um sie auszuhöhlen und ein Gesicht für Halloween reinzuschnitzen. Die Kinder haben heute schon fleißig Gesichter sich auf dem Papier ausgedacht.
i sometimes feel that way about my blog . . mostly when i don't feel like i have anything new to say. but then i always feel good after putting something up . . morgana read susan fenimore cooper's _rural hours_ and i like to think of my blog as a journal of our days. i don't think it's quite as informative as susan's wonderful book (!) but i know the girls enjoy occasionally looking back at what we did, and we've also used entries as sources for questions we have had about our past activities (what did we do on that date last year? i'll just look it up online!)
ReplyDeletei'm glad dh came home to dry the laundry! i'm sorry about your down comforter . . maybe you can look for one on sale at our down keeps us nice and warm also. i hope you can get a new one. and we also finally put away our fans! "there's nothing like a snowstorm to help us put away our fans," my dh said yesterday :O
your dinner sounds delicious! and we would miss your posts . . so we hope you continue to write! (though i understand perfectly if it isn't every day!)
hugs! good luck with the costumes!
Oh nein!! das Federbett ist kaputt?
ReplyDeleteUnd nochmal oh nein, wenn du mit Bloggen aufhörst, dann sind nicht nur die deutschen Verwandten enttäuscht...! Es ist nicht nur schön von euch zu lesen sondern einfach bist du in vielen Dingen auch ein Vorbild, von dem man lernen kann oder sich Dinge abgucken! Wenn du eine Zeitlang keine Lust hast, lass einfach ein paar Tage aus oder so, aber es wäre total schade wenn der Blog geschlossen würde.
Guten Wochenbeginn!
Dear Eva,
ReplyDeleteI would miss you terribly if you didn't blog. I regard you as a friend and your blogging is the nearest thing I'll get to having a cyber cup of tea with you and "sharing " in your world.
So often when we're having a not good day, I'll say to Benedict, "Let's see what Eva and the kids have been up to!" He doesn't really know any other home edded kids as group attendance for us has just not worked out, so reading about another family is encouraging for us both.
On a practical level I've learned so much reading your posts, ideas for up coming feast days, thanks to you we'll be putting up the saints wall we made last year and links to other good resources... I've purchased at least two books that you've recommended.
I hope and pray that, you are having a better day today and look forward to seeing your pumpkin pictures and the costumes for the play.
With much love
San xxx
I've been feeling this way recently as well...must be something in the air! I hope you continue to blog. I really enjoy visiting. I'm sorry about not commenting more often. I've been having trouble getting my comments to go through on your blog. I have a slow connection which makes it worse. It seems to go through more quickly as Anonymous.
ReplyDeleteDear Dorina, thank you so much for your kind words. My children also like to be able to look back and see what we have done. (And then you realize that you have actually accomplished something even if it sometimes doesn't feel that way). I have to look into "Rural Hours," sounds like an interesting book.
ReplyDeleteIt's funny that you also put away your last fan yesterday. Maybe it was New York State "Put Away Your Fan Day" :). Actually, we have bought almost all of our comforters from the company store. I love their comforters. They are good quality.
I found out more about the costumes. Now we just have to find or make the right pieces. The next fabric store is an hour away, though. For small notions I can send Peter, but he doesn't know how to pick our patterns or fabric :).
Thanks again, Dorina, for your encouraging words.
Ja, Sybille, irgendwie muß der Trockner zu heiß getrocknet haben (amerikanische Trockner sind viel heißer als europäische, wir hatten bisher einen deutschen Trockner). Das Federbett ist ganz bräunlich geworden und riecht komisch, irgendwie versengt. Dabei haben wir es schon öfter gewaschen und getrocknet.
ReplyDeleteDanke auch für die lieben Worte. Das Bloggen hat mir bisher Spaß gemacht, doch ist in der letzten Zeit zuviel drunter und drüber gegangen,so daß der Computer dann auch eine Pflicht geworden ist, die noch abgehakt werden mußte. Ich habe schon mehrere Male ein paar Tage ausgelassen und das hat geholfen, besonders wenn Peter verreist, weil dann kaum Zeit dafür bleibt. Also danke nochmal.
Dear San,
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your heartfelt words. I didn't know that Benedict also looks at our blog, that's sweet. I have never really thought about it, but it's true, you make new friends through blogs and I'm so happy to have "met" someone from Great Britain this way. It's refreshing to get to see the British way of homeschooling and living that way. It's also nice that we have two children that are about the same age. Who knows, maybe one day we'll have a real cup of tea together.
I'm still trying to decide how to approach the costumes. Jonathan will need some knickers. I'll keep you posted. My warmest wishes back to England and to you and your family!
Hello Alexandra, maybe it's the approaching month of November, the grayest month of the year? I also have problems with posting my own comments here. Try switching the browser. I can't leave comments with Internet Explorer, but with Google Chrome I can. Thanks for your kind words!