Monday, November 4, 2024


It is truly November!  The girls had a nice teatime.
Es ist wirklich schon November!  Die Mädchen haben sich einen leckeren Tee gekocht.

Some flowers are still blooming.
Einige Blumen blühen noch.

But there is also frost on the grass in the mornings.
Aber morgens gibt es schon Reif.

We watched The Most Reluctant Convert on campus.  It was a good movie.  Many years ago, I think it was in 1993, I watched Shadowlands with friends in Oxford, MS.  It is interesting to note that moste people in Germany have not heard of C. S. Lewis.

Wir haben einen Film über die Bekehrung von C.S. Lewis beim College gesehen.  1993 habe ich mit Freunden in Mississippi einen anderen Film über C. S. Lewis gesehen, der andere biographische Themen behandelt. 

The Most Reluctant Convert

I think Leo is looking for his paper "mice."
Leo sucht hier bestimmt seine "Papiermäuse".

Surrounded by his mice
Von seinen Mäusen umgeben

Guarding his mice
Er bewacht seine Mäuse.

Miriam made it back to Austria on the train.  She had a wonderful time with my parents, my sister and family, and my sister-in-law and her son, Miriam's cousin Julius.  She also visited my Aunt Erika's grave.

Miriam ist wieder heile in Österreich angekommen.  Sie hat eine schöne Woche mit meinen Eltern, meiner Schwester und Familie und meiner Schwägerin und ihrem Sohn Julius, Miriams Vetter, verlebt.  Sie konnte sogar das Grab meiner Tante Erika besuchen.

Charlotte is still under the weather, but it seems to be a new cold/flu.  She had her last Cinderella performance on Sunday and is now preparing for a ballet based on The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.  Peter has a former student who lives in Denver and has been looking in on Charlotte.  She brought her some soup on Sunday.  Jonathan is sometimes cantoring for the student Mass on campus.  He did so last Sunday and sent me a recording of his practice with another student.  They sounded very nice together.  We are working hard on campus and at home and I never seem to have time to blog much.

Charlotte ist immer noch nicht ganz gesund, aber es scheint wieder eine neue Grippe zu sein.  Am Sonntag hatte sie ihre letzte "Cinderella" Aufführung und jetzt üben sie für "Der König von Narnia".  Peters ehemalige Studentin wohnt in Denver und schaut bei Charlotte vorbei, um zu sehen, wie es ihr geht.  Am Sonntag hat sie ihr Suppe gebracht.  Jonathan singt öfter bei den Studentenmessen.  Am Sonntag war er der Vorsänger (mit einer anderen Studentin zusammen).  Er hat für mich die Probe zum Antwortpsalm aufgenommen und es klang sehr hübsch.  Sonst arbeiten wir hier sehr fleißig und es bleibt nicht viel Zeit zum Bloggen.

Jonathan and some of his church friends with Bishop O'Connell
Jonathan und einige seiner Kirchenfreunde mit Bischof O'Connell

Charlotte: Snow in Colorado
Charlotte: Schnee in Colorado


  1. Oh, I miss having tea time with my girls :) Yes, we are all so busy again now . . not as much time to blog. I enjoy reading C.S. Lewis, as does my brother-in-law. I would love to watch this movie about him. Thanks for posting :) It's nice to hear about Jonathan's cantoring, Miriam's visit and I hope Charlotte finds the soup sustaining ! :) It must feel reassuring to you that there is someone who can pop in to see her. I need to go make myself some tea now . . !

    1. It is such a pleasant way to spend some time together in the dark season, isn't it? It is awful to be so busy; I do not like it! The movie was good! I bet most libraries have it. I do think that the Harvard Catholic student community is wonderful. They do so much for the students and there is a dedicated law student group within that larger group. He will miss those people when he goes back to Georgetown in the spring. I am glad that we have those people in Denver to see how Charlotte is doing. Even adult children need help sometimes. I hope you enjoyed your tea.

    2. Yes, we all need help sometimes and it's good to have a community of friends xoxo

  2. Those tea time treats looked delicious. It must be reassuring to know that someone is checking in on Charlotte. What a worry for you that she is sick again with another virus. I’ve just finished the ‘Mere Christianity’ series offered by Hallow it was very interesting but typically I cannot remember what was said! Long Covid brain drain strikes again 😂🩷

    1. The girls came up with those tea items themselves. Yes, we are blessed to know some people in Denver who can provide some help and advice. After all, it is quite far from here. You cannot just "go" there yourself. I think Peter uses that book in class sometimes, but I have not read it. We use "The Screwtape Letters" in our homeschool journey. Have you read that one? Don't worry about not remembering what was in the book: even Peter re-reads many books he has read before when using them in class.


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