Monday, February 19, 2024


We got more snow this weekend and it has been very cold.  
Es hat dieses Wochenende weiter geschneit und es ist sehr kalt.

I cleaned and reorganized more homeschool books on Saturday.  All English readers for higher grades and German and English poetry books are in the front row and the ones for the lower grades are in the back.

Ich habe am Samstag weitere Bücher durchgesehen und neu geordnet und auch das Regal ausgewischt.  Die englischen Lesebücher für die höheren Klassen und die deutschen und englischen Poesiebücher stehen nun vorne und die für die niedrigeren Klassen hinten.

Here are English and German readers.
Hier sind englische und deutsche Lesebücher.

Our nature table in February
Unser Jahreszeitentisch im Februar

Leo looks very tame here, but he loves to get the little figures of the nature table and chase them through the house.  Maybe he thinks they are mice?

Leo sieht hier sehr zahm aus, aber er holt sich gerne meine kleinen Wichtel vom Jahreszeitentisch, um sie dann im Wohnzimmer und im ganzen Haus zu jagen.  Vielleicht denkt er, sie sind Mäuse?

This is our last week before February break at the college.  When the college is taking its break, we will also do our February break.  The local school, art, and ballet is doing theirs this week.  

Diese Woche ist die letzte Woche vor den Februarferien (eine Woche) beim College.  Dann werden wir auch unsere Ferien machen.  Die öffentliche Schule, Ballett und Kunst machen ihre Ferien diese Woche.

We have been trying to organize rides for Miriam's and Jonathan's spring breaks.  This year, all breaks are at a different time.  Ours comes first, then Miriam will fly home for hers, but the day she has to go back, Jonathan will arrive by train for his break.

Wir versuchen im Moment, Miriams und Jonathans Frühlingsferien zu organisieren.  Unser College hat erst Ferien.  Wenn unsere Ferien zu Ende sind, bekommt Miriam eine Woche Ferien und fliegt nach Hause.  Wenn ihre Woche um ist, fängt Jonathans Woche an und er kommt dann mit dem Zug nach Hause.  Es ist alles sehr kompliziert, weil die Studenten ja in den Ferien immer nach Hause geschickt werden und dann abgeholt werden müssen.

We also have to take Leo to the vet for a new flea treatment.  I have been asking around and we think we found a vet that is not too far.  Our old vet is near retirement and we thought it would be good to start Leo out somewhere else.

Wir müssen auch mit Leo zum Tierarzt, weil seine Behandlung mit dem Flohmittel erneuert werden muß.  Ich habe mich schlau gemacht, welche Tierärzte in Frage kommen, die nicht über eine Stunde entfernt sind.  Unsere alte Tierärztin geht bald in den Ruhestand und wir haben uns gedacht, es wäre gut, Leo von Anfang an zu einem neuen Tierarzt zu bringen.

Miriam sent this pictures from her recent snow.
Miriam hat dieses Foto von ihrem Schnee geschickt.


  1. Your front lawn looks beautiful with its carpet of white snow. Enjoy having the children home for their breaks . . I know it must be a little frustrating that they are all at different times . . Do you have a place where you donate your old books? Or do you sell them at a local homeschooling get together? Or online? I donated some books several years ago to our NYC homeschool organization . . but am thinking of taking some older books to a local bookstore.

    1. It is all covered by snow again today :). Miriam is coming on Saturday :). I list some of my books on PaperBackSwap, some on Ebay, some on Cathswap, and some on Homeschool Classifieds. I have given away some books to local families and also to the library book sale. We don't have any bookstores around here.

    2. These are some good sites. Thanks Eva. I could also drop off to the Library Book Sale . . Enjoy Miriam's visit and the snow (hopefully, your last?!)

    3. We have two major book sales here, one for Memorial Day weekend and one later each year. Is it the same in the city? They do not accept all books, though. I hope the snow will stay away. I would love some warmer days.

    4. We had a warm day yesterday, 63! Today is cooler again. I hope you get your warm days soon!

    5. It went up to 70 here today! Very strange after the recent snowfall.

    6. We would have days like that a few years ago. It's been more stable since. I always found them very disconcerting.

    7. You never know if it is winter or spring and then everybody gets sick.

  2. I love all the photos of Leo all curled up and cozy!

    1. He does . . and yet I think he's like Cricket: when he stretches out he is soooo long! Long and skinny, no matter how much I feed him.

    2. That sounds like him. He also runs around the house like a maniac. I have never seen such an active cat. No wonder he does not gain much weight.

    3. Our cats run around like crazy but I often think it's because they are kept as indoor cats. I wish I could say to them, "Okay, you may go outside, but you must stay in the courtyard." Ha ha :P

    4. Yes, I think that must contribute to the running around. We go outside with Leo, but we have not let him go on his own. He is on a long leash when we go. The SPCA does not want their cats to become indoor/outdoor cats. They have had so many cats that ended up being abandoned that they ask the new owners to not let them roam. Leo is happy outside and he gets to go every day several times, but inside he runs around hiding his "paper mice." He has quite the collection in the basement and also in our bedroom in Peter's closet! This seems to be very important to him. It would be wonderful if cats would know how to stay in a certain place (your courtyard) and not run somewhere else.

    5. Yes, it would. We have neighbors with a lovely house and garden and if the cats wouldn't jump over the fence, it would be nice to sit outside with them. Here in our courtyard we have a neighbor who does let her cat roam in her little garden area and also roam a little around the full courtyard, but the cat will always return to her home. Some females tend to stay around the area more so than males I think. Taking Leo out on the leash is very good and I'm sure he enjoys it. I should start doing that with my two, especially when out at the house on the deck. It would be nice to have them sit in the sun with us while on the leash. However, we do have a lot of birds and they would probably spend their time staring and trying to catch them . . I'll have to try it. Kittenlady ( had a "catio" built for her cats and often takes them out for walks on a leash. Flora might enjoy looking at her website. She is the first one to get me interested in fostering and I have her book.

    6. That is probably true that male cats might roam more. We also have many birds, but Leo is more interested in plants! He does show some interest in chickadees, but not when they are at the feeder, only when they are in a bush. He also tries to eat all insects and tries to get bees. He is a very unusual cat. He is scared of most people outside (the neighbors, the mailman, the UPS guy, etc.) and tries to get back to the house as fast as he can. But maybe he just has to learn. I will have to take a look at that site with Flora. I never thought I would walk a cat; it feels so unnatural. But so far it works quite well. Except when Leo manages to get out of his leash (it has happened twice).


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