Wednesday, February 14, 2024

St. Valentine's Day AND Ash Wednesday/St. Valentinstag und Aschermittwoch

Peter gave me a rose today.
Peter hat mir heute eine Rose geschenkt.

What a strange combination of important days!  We adhered to the fasting and abstinence rules of the Catholic church and went to church for praying the Stations of the Cross and attending the Ash Wednesday Mass.  But we also read some St. Valentine's books.  

Was für eine eigenartige Kombination von Feiertagen!  Wir haben uns an die Fastenregeln der katholischen Kirche gehalten und waren auch in der Kirche für die Kreuzwegandacht und die Aschermittwochsmesse, doch haben wir auch Bilderbücher über den Valentinstag gelesen. 

He was watching us as we were making our annual Lent calendar.
Er hat zugeguckt, wie wir unseren Fastenkalender für dieses Jahr gebastelt haben.

What did we read?  Bear in Love, Cranberry Valentine, and I Love You Already (paid links).

This was really cute!


  1. Your rose is beautiful and Leo is quite a cutie 😻. I love your Lent calendars they are a beautiful reminder of this season in the church. I think I might have some card in my work room so maybe Pip and I could make one for this year. I use the Hallow App and this Lent they are sharing snippets from Fr Walter Cisek’s book ‘He Leadeth Me.’ I joined in with the Advent challenge and they are a peaceful and encouraging start to each day 🩷 xx

    1. Ah, thanks, San! It does not take long to make. I read about that App the other day, but I have not used it. I was going to pick some Lenten reading, but I have not had a chance to do so. Right now, each of us draws a task from the Lenten calendar.

  2. Your birthday card and gift were collected this morning by our lovely post lady called Evie. Who knows they might just arrive in time 🙂. Happy Friday, you’ve made it to the end of the week xxx

    1. Oh, how wonderful and your post lady has almost the same name as I do. Maybe it will get here fast :). Yes, the week is over, tomorrow is cleaning day. Peter is grocery shopping right now and took Veronika along to practice driving in a city.

  3. Hello Eva, do you make up all the tasks and prayers, or do you get ideas from a particular website, and once one picks a task, is that task returned to the envelope for someone else to perhaps pick?

    1. Some of them are made up by me, but some are from the Advent and Lent Quest. Once a task has been completed, we set it aside. There should be enough tasks for all. We are not doing them on Saturdays and Sundays.


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