Wednesday, September 27, 2017

New Main Lessons/Neue Hauptepochen

Egyptian boat
Boot der Ägypter

Veronika is learning all about Ancient Egypt and Flora has started with a block on time and measurement.

Map of Ancient Egypt
Karte des Alten Ägyptens

Veronika lernt im Moment alles über das Alte Ägypten (vielleicht sollte ich eher "fast alles" schreiben), und Flora hat mit einer Epoche über Maße und Zeiteinteilung angefangen.  

 Flora made a simple sundial to measure time every hour.
Flora hat eine einfache Sonnenuhr gemacht, womit sie jede Stunde die Zeit mißt.

She marks the hours with stones.
Sie markiert die Stunden mit Steinen.

And in the afternoon, everybody worked on art. 
Nachmittags gab es dann Kunst.  

 Color exercise for Flora after Thomas Wildgruber's wonderful art book.
Farbübungen für Flora nach Thomas Wildgrubers schönem Kunstbuch.

 Veronika is also working on a color exercise.
Veronika hat auch mit Farbstudien angefangen.

Charlotte did some work from the Drawing Textbook.
Charlotte hat mit einem Zeichenbuch gearbeitet.

Miriam first had her art class with a local art teacher and then she started on designing a pattern for a linoleum block print.
Miriam hat erst Kunstunterricht mit einer Kunstlehrerin aus unserem Dorf gehabt und dann hat sie eine Vorlage für einen Linolschnitt, den sie machen will, gezeichnet.  

Our ballet teacher is sick, so no driving today.  Charlotte and I watched the second episode of Die Deutschen, about Otto I.  

Unsere Ballettlehrerin ist krank, daher mußte niemand heute fahren.  Charlotte und ich haben die zweite Episode von Den Deutschen gesehen.  Es ging um Otto I.  

It is still too hot to think straight, but tomorrow is supposed to be a bit cooler.  My students also complained today because their dorms are not air-conditioned.

Es ist immer noch viel zu hieß, um klar zu denken.  Morgen solle es ein wenig kälter werden.  Meine Studenten haben auch heute über die Hitze geklagt, weil ihre Wohnheime keine Klimaanlage haben.


  1. Hello Eva! Today is such a beautiful day! I am so, so happy! I was (sadly) VERY miserable yesterday. Chanda and I both woke in the middle of the night, unable to sleep as the humidity had gone up to 100%!!! (Unbelieveable! I really should have taken a "screen shot" of the weather app on my phone!) Thankfully, the humidity has decreased all day and it is now so comfortable! There is the loveliest breeze blowing through my window :)

    I send all of you a big congrats for yesterday! Despite the heat you had a wonderful homeschooling day. Please tell Veronika that I love her map of ancient Egypt, both she and Flora that I love their color work, and Charlotte that her drawings are very sweet! I hope you post a pic of Miriam's linoleum block when she finishes. It looks like a fun project.

    I hope you've had a fabulous day and that cool autumnal winds have made life more comfortable!

    xoxo, Dorina

    1. Yes, it does feel like autumn and the heat is gone, what a relief! I am glad you are feeling happy today. It was very hot here during the night too, but I have no way to comment on the humidity, it just felt awful.

      Thanks for your kind words. I will let Veronika know when she comes back from ballet. I will post a picture of Miriam's finished work. I used to do a lot of linoleum block prints when I was her age. I loved making them and so did my mother. She was very good at it.

      We went to the Waldorf school to their annual Michaelmas celebration today. It was not as good as in some other years, but still nice to be able to participate.

      I am sitting here grading grammar sheets. Peter is driving ballet girls, they will be coming back soon. So I guess I should either be grading or making supper.


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