Monday, July 13, 2015

Waldorf School Summer Camp/Ferienlager der Waldorfschule

Like her older siblings before her, Veronika is doing a week long summer camp at the "local" Waldorf school.  She has chosen to do woodworking and working with papier mâché.  Peter drives her there every morning, stays in a cafe until 4:00 p.m., and picks her up again to drive her home. In the mornings, the children are doing crafts, in the afternoon they play games or hike to Caznovia Creek, a favorite river with all our children, or they take a rest in hammocks.  Veronika today hiked to the river and played in the water.   

Wie ihre älteren Geschwister vor ihr macht Veronika diese Woche  bei dem Ferienlager der Waldorfschule mit.  Sie hat sich Schnitzen und mit Pappmaschee Basteln ausgesucht.  Peter fährt sie jeden Morgen eine Stunde hin, er sitzt dann bis um 16.00 Uhr in einem Café und holt sie danach wieder ab, um sie wieder nach Hause zu bringen.  Vormittags wird gewerkelt, nachmittags gibt es Spiele, Wanderungen zum Fluß, oder man kann sich ausruhen.  Veronika ist zum Fluß gewandert: dieser Fluß ist wunderschön und lädt zu vielen Wasserspielen ein.  


  1. A family rite of passage! Looks like a whole heap of fun x

    1. Yes, when she came home last night, all siblings were exchanging little tidbits of memories and comparing them with Veronika's report. Flora felt a bit left out and said that she wanted to go too. We told her maybe in a year or two.

  2. So nice!! You must have enjoyed hearing them talk :)

    1. Yes, it brings back happy memories of our playgroup times. Today, when Peter picked her up, all the "old teachers" happened to be there, even our play group teacher. That was fun for Peter to be greeted by so many people. The woodwork teacher was so happy to have Veronika. She has already taught the others :). She said Veronika was a thorough and careful worker.


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