Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Genesee Country Village and Museum/Genesee Freilichtmuseum

Jonathan and Charlotte are now officially volunteers at the GCV&M.  For now, they will help out with the summer camp program.  Today they had an orientation about their work.

Jonathan und Charlotte sind jetzt offziell freiwillige Helfer beim Genesse Freilichtmuseum geworden.  Sie werden erstmal bei den Ferienlagern dort aushelfen.  Heute haben sie eine Einführung in ihre Arbeit bekommen.  


  1. What a great way to spend a summer!

    Your lovely gift arrived this afternoon! When I saw the parcel I thought " I don't remember ordering anything from Amazon!" The book is next to my St Michael icon and I am looking forward to reading it, i enjoyed listening to the podcast series by Eliza Foss and Leila last year.

    Hugs to you

    San xx

    1. That was quick! I am glad that you don't already own it. I have not read it, but always thought it looked interesting. Happy reading!!

  2. This looks so nice! I hope you can post one day about what they do :)

    1. In August they will go for a week and work while Miriam does a "Farmer Boy" camp. They can also go on weekends and help out, but we have not coordinated anything so far. Tomorrow we will go and watch the museum's Civil War re-enactment, but Jonathan and Charlotte are not part of that.

  3. Ach, wie toll. Es wäre schön, wenn es das hier auch gäbe.

    1. Ja, so wie man das hier machen kann, habe ich das in Deutschland noch nie gesehen. Das ist so schade!! Kinder und junge Menschen können so viel lernen, wenn sie aktiv in solchen Museen als Helfer mitmachen dürfen.


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