Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas! Frohe Weihnachten!

Manger in church
Krippe in der Kirche

Our church
Unsere Kirche

 Charlotte and Veronika sang in the choir, Charlotte and Peter were cantors.
Charlotte und Veronika haben im Kirchenchor gesungen, Charlotte und Peter waren Vorsänger.


 Lighting the tree
Den Baum anzünden

 Christmas pyramid

 A new Christmas guest this year
Ein neuer Weihnachtsgast dieses Jahr

 Five happy children
Fünf glückliche Kinder

Really happy
Wirklich glücklich

 Opening presents
Geschenke auspacken

 Charlotte is holding up a very pretty woolen scarf Miriam made her.
Charlotte hält einen wunderschönen Wollschal hoch, den Miriam ihr gemacht hat.

 Jonathan is hiding behind the tree.
Jonathan versteckt sich hinter dem Baum.

 Veronika made each family member a little Christmas angel or Christmas elf
Veronika hat jedem Familienmitglied einen kleinen Weihnachtsengel  oder -wichtel gemacht. 

 Miriam got an album to collect stamps.  She has been collecting pretty stamps for a while now and had asked for an album to display them in.
Miriam hat ein Briefmarkenalbum bekommen.  Sie sammelt schon seit einer Weile hübsche Briefmarken und hat sich ein Briefmarkenalbum gewünscht, damit sie die Briefmarken besser arrangieren kann.

 Playing a lovely game San gave us.  It is called Prickly Pile-Up.  The hedgehogs are so cute and the game is fun.
Wir spielen ein Spiel, das uns San geschenkt hat.  Die kleinen Igel sind so hübsch und das Spiel macht großen Spaß.  

 Charlotte's fancy Christmas hair-do
Charlottes schicke Weihnachtsfrisur

 Christmas dinner: roasted chicken, Brussels sprouts with pecans, and rice
Unser Weihnachtsessen: Brathuhn, Rosenkohl mit Pekannüssen und Reis

Baked apple with ice cream
Bratapfel mit Eis

Frohe Weihnachten!
Merry Christmas!

And here our Christmas picture book for today.  Shooting at the Stars. This one remembers the Christmas truce between British and German soldiers in 1914.  A student sent me a link to a short video that is the perfect illustration of this truce.

Und hier noch unser Weihnachtsbilderbuch für heute.  Es erinnert an den Weihnachtsfrieden zwischen Deutschen und Engländern im 1. Weltkrieg.  Eine Studentin hat mir auch ein Link zu einem Video geschickt, welches diesen Frieden wunderbar illustriert.      


  1. Schöne Bilder! Frohe Weihnachten euch allen!
    Wir hatten es gestern und vorgestern Abend auch sehr nett, zuerst mit meinen Eltern und Bruder, dann mit den Schwiegereltern.
    Heute muss ich aber einen Nichts-Tun-Tag einlegen und ein bisschen rasten! Wie gut, dass ich heute nicht kochen brauche, da noch genug Reste übrig sind. :)
    Wünsche euch noch weiterhin schöne Tage,

    1. Auch euch eine schöne Weihnachtszeit. Ich hoffe, daß der faule Tag ein voller Erfolg war. Genießt die Ferienzeit!

  2. Happy Christnas to you all. So pleased that the presents were OK.

    Love to you all

    San and co xc

  3. What a warm and peaceful Christmas, Eva! Your church and home look beautiful. I love Charlotte's dress and hair :) Very pretty. The hedgehog game does look like fun! And the scarf Miriam made looks nice. Enjoy this special time :) xoxo

    1. Thanks so much, Dorina. We got that dress at Target of all places! She did the hair herself. Miriam crocheted the scarf in the evening of December 23. I was amazed at how fast she did this. We got the wool from Fabulous Yarn in Tivoli, NY. (We ordered it.) I hope you are having a good time in CT (I assume that is where you are.) Happy New Year and your package arrived! You must have shopped at the Waldorf school and picked out those things we were looking at when we were at the Waldorf school right before Christmas :)))). Those three things you sent we too had noticed in the store at our school and had commented on how nice it would be to have them. You must have been there with us in spirit -- or you must know how to read our minds. Flora land Veronika especially love the Jonathan book, Your package for your family is all packed and ready to go, finally. I am almost done with all my Christmas letter writing.

    2. Oh yay :) We're so glad you like the books and candles. I always enjoy the books put out at Waldorf fairs.

      I send hugs and prayers for good health for all of you. xoxo

  4. Wie schön! Frohe Weihnachten euch allen!
    Floras Igelspiel haben wir auch, auch aus England :)

    1. Frohe Weihnachten auch hier nochmal! Wie lustig, daß Ihr dieses Spiel auch habt. Mußt Du I. sagen.

  5. Dear Madam: After careful consideration as well as discussion with the subject of phtograph 14 in the above post, said subject and I, her attorney, have determined that said photograph should be removed immediately from the above post. Our reasons for this extreme recommendation are as follows:
    Firstly, we find that said photograph's caption represents a possible falsehood. The photograph depicts my client in an extremely unusual posture, to be sure, but this in no way proves that my client was happy. In any case, the unusual posture was not intended to give any impression except the confirmation of the extreme silliness of said client.
    Secondly, the said unusual posture portrayed on the image renders it unfit for public viewing and appreciation. My client believes that her privacy has been compromised through a deliberate attempt at publicization of her insanity. She retains the right to display said insanity in private without fear of unwarranted and undesired external attention.
    Finally, my client considers this image to reflect badly on her family. The reactions generated in viewers may go so far as to undermine their essential belief in the stolidity and decency of herself and her relatives. Also, the pictorial quality of the image is substandard. I recommend a noise-reduction software program.
    Aquila Chrysaetos & Sons, Attorneys at Law, on behalf of client C. Airam

    1. Dear Sir,

      I will ponder your concerns over the next few days and will issue a reply.

      Your Servant

  6. Stimmungsvolle Bilder! Wünsche euch allen ein gesegnetes Neues Jahr!


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