Monday, September 23, 2013

Crazy? Verrückt?

We had quite an ordinary day, I taught in the morning, and Flora was my helper in class today.  My students had to take their second exam of the semester, but there was also time to watch a short video and time for them to ask Flora simple questions in German, which she answered very nicely.  After class we headed over to the bookstore to buy a snack, chat to one of our Vienna students (who is working there at the moment), and then came back home to settle into our morning routine.  I've been doing some shopping on eBay recently, to find winter coats, pants, dresses, etc. for the cooler season.  Today I had a winter coat for Jonathan I was bidding for.  That inspired Jonathan to try on Peter's wool coat, which is in the same closet as my summer hat.  When Flora saw him all dressed up, she had to do it too and this is what they looked like:

Wir hatten heute einen ganz normalen Tag, ich habe am Morgen unterrichtet, wobei mir Flora heute geholfen hat.  Meine Studenten mußten ihre zweite Klausur des Semesters schreiben, aber es gab noch Zeit, ein kurzes Video zu sehen, und danach durften die Studenten Flora mit einfachen Fragen ausfragen.  Sie hat laut und deutlich geantwortet.  Nach dem Unterricht haben wir im Collegebuchladen ein paar Nüsse für unser zweites Frühstück gekauft, mit einer Wien-Studentin geplaudert (sie arbeitet zur Zeit dort) und sind dann nach Hause gegangen, um hier unsere Routine anzufangen.  Ich habe in letzter Zeit auf eBay einige Kleider (Winterjacken, Hosen, Kleider, etc.) gekauft und hatte eine Jacke im Auge, die Jonathan tragen soll.  Das hat Jonathan dazu verführt, Peters Wollmantel anzuprobieren.  Der Wollmantel hängt im gleichen Schrank wie mein Sonnenhut.  Als Flora Jonathan so ausgestattet vorfand, hat sie sich auch gleich verkleidet und das kam dabei heraus:     


  1. So funny! Well done Flora for being such a great helper in class.


    1. She has been asking when she could come again. She really enjoyed it :).

  2. That's funny, we have the same knight helmet at home.

    1. We bought ours at Hampton Court, in England. That is funny.

  3. Liebe Eva,
    ach, so Späße müssen doch einfach sein.

    Auf Coffein ganz zu verzichten war durch die Krankheit ganz einfach. Da ging es mir sowieso so schlecht, dass es egal war. Wenn man dann nichts entsprechendes mehr trinkt, ist das kein Problem... Ich habe aber auch vorher schon lange nur eine kleine Tasse Espresso pro Tag an meinem nachmittags Latte Macchiato getrunken und morgens sowieso nur Teeinfreie Tees. Hier sind die Tees zum Glück noch ohne Stevia und Aromastoffe.

    Liebe Grüße
    (mein Rechner ist gerade kaputt. so ist das kommentieren ein Abenteuer)

    1. Während meiner Schwangerschaften und langen Stillzeiten habe ich auch keinen Kaffee oder Tee getrunken, doch in der letzten Zeit trinke ich meist eine Tasse Kaffee am Morgen. Ich schlafe leider zu wenig und brauche die Tasse, damit ich morgens einigermaßen klar denken kann. Das finde ich nicht ideal, doch ist eine Tasse ja auch nicht so schlimm. Wie schön, daß Eure Tees noch schlicht sind, ich weiß nicht, warum das hier so passiert ist. Ich kaufe kaum noch Yogi Tees.

      Es tut mir so Leid, daß Du ohne Computer auskommen mußt. Mein Computer ist im Frühjahr kaputt gegangen und kann nicht mehr repariert werden. Ich habe bisher keinen eigenen Ersatz, doch hat mir das College einen Computer zum Unterrichten geliehen. Da habe ich Glück gehabt!

  4. Eva,

    I love buying clothes on ebay. If I'm careful when bidding, I can find all kinds of bargains. My heart beats rather fast as the clock ticks down to the end of an auction. It's funny to think of you buying winter clothes just as we are unpacking our stored away summer ones!

    1. We used to have a really good consignment store close by (1 hour north), but it has stopped carrying children's clothes. There are no clothing stores around here. Nothing. So I do use eBay now and have found really good shoes, skirts, and jackets for the children. Many items in the stores are also not modest. The pants are too tight, the skirts/dresses too short, etc. So eBay is a good place to find some brand names for a fraction of the cost. It is kind of exiting to watch the clock, that's so true.

      Yes, that is funny that you are thinking about summer. We are supposed to get a really hard winter. It must be so strange to Christmas in summer!!

    2. Eva,

      I have trouble finding suitable clothes for my girls too. We don't have much choice in local shops, and yes, what is available is not very modest. I have bought a lot of Pumpkin Patch skirts on ebay for my girls. They are very pretty!

    3. Thanks for the tip. I have never heard of Pumpkin Patch. I have to check them out!!

  5. Hi! I've been visiting your Roman history tags :) Did Jonathan like _The Eagle of the Ninth_? We love the picture of him and Flora. I think we had that helmet at one time also.

    I began a response to your email, but haven't finished it yet!

    I hope you've been having some sunshine. The weather here lately has been beautiful.

    1. He really loved it and so did I. It is more a book for boys, but can be read by anyone. I used it as a read-aloud. There are a few more books that come after "The Eagle of the Ninth." It is a very exiting book. There is also a movie out there, but I only saw a preview and decided that was not what I wanted to show our children. At least not in 7th grade.

      I'll be looking forward to your e-mail. I'm quite behind with a lot of e-mails again, sigh.

      The weather has been gorgeous here, but quite cold at night and in the mornings.


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