Monday, February 4, 2013

Evening Activities/Abendaktivitäten

What do we do in the evenings? Well, it depends, but quite often we do handwork and music appreciation. So today, the majority of us did handwork, while Peter was practicing parts of Mozart's Requiem. Jonathan and he have joined one of the college choirs to perform it in the spring of 2014. Every Monday they have a choir practice, but also need to practice at home. Flora was already asleep.

Was machen wir so am Abend? Das ist ganz unterschiedlich, aber oft findet dann die Handarbeitsstunde statt oder wir hören Musik. Heute haben die meisten Handarbeiten gemacht, nur Peter hat Mozarts Requiem geübt. Jonathan und er sind einem der Collegechöre beigetreten. Der Chor will das Requiem im Frühjahr 2014 aufführen. Jeden Montag ist Chorprobe, aber man muß natürlich auch zu Hause üben. Flora hat schon geschlafen.

Sorry, the movie quality of my camera is not the greatest.  
Es tut mir leid, daß mein Fotoapparat nicht so scharfe Videos machen kann.  


  1. it's lovely to see your evening, eva. everyone looks happy and cozy. and all set for valentine's day in pink and red! it's wonderful jonathan and peter are practicing such a beautiful piece of music. very exciting!

    flora is a little angel! love and hugs to all of you :) xoxo

    1. Well, when we have ballet late, it's not so peaceful. But Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays are pretty relaxed. I didn't even notice the colors. Miriam and Veronika are already in their night attires, just Jonathan and Charlotte are wearing daytime clothes.

      The Mozart practices are hard. Peter has sung the piece before, but, of course, Jonathan hasn't. What is really difficult is the fact that they practice in Solfège, which neither Peter nor Jonathan knows. They haven't given up, though.

  2. Eben gerade war unsere Internetverbindung mal besser und ich konnte mir endlich das Video angucken. Schön euch mal sprechen zu hören.

  3. Man kann Jonathan am Anfang hören, Veronika macht sich über das Requiem mit quietschenden Tönen lustig, Miriam weist sie zurecht, und Peter singt! Das fand ich zu lustig und deswegen habe ich es gefilmt.


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