Wednesday, January 30, 2013



Celebrating 10 years of life:

Feiern von 10 Lebensjahren:

Making chocolate hedgehogs/Herstellung von Schokoladenigeln

Birthday dinner: apple maple chicken sausages, peas, and acorn squash with butter and maple syrup
Geburtstagsessen: Apfel-Ahorn-Geflügelwürstchen, Erbsen und Eichelkürbis mit Butter und Ahornsirup

Opening presents/Geschenke aufmachen

Looking at a fascinating German book about the animals in Africa
Anschauen eines faszinierenden Bilderbuches über die Tiere Afrikas


  1. Liebe Miriam, alles alles alles alles alles alles Gute zum 10. Geburtstag! Mögest du auch im neuen Lebensjahr stets dein frohes und offenes Lächeln im Gesicht haben und liebe Menschen, die deinen Alltag begleiten.

    1. Bei so viel "alles" muß es ja besonders gut werden! Miriam hat sich ganz doll über die Glückwünsche gefreut! Ich hoffe auch, daß sie dieses Lächeln behält. Schön beobachtet von Dir, sogar aus der Ferne :).

  2. Happy birthday Miriam!! (I hope this doesn't sound stalker ish, Eva, but I find your children so charming - they always look so happy and like "real" children, not jaded mini adults. They are so shiny and happy!)

    1. Thanks so much, Lucy! I have to return the compliment to your children as well, they do look like two children that are enjoying their childhood! Somebody in church once thought that our children look like the ones in the books with illustrations by Eloise Wilkens. When I took a look at the book, I knew what she meant.

    2. Yes, I see the Eloise Wilkins aspect too. My husband and I were talking about protecting children and letting them be children and how rare that is. It's a precious thing to see.

    3. That's so true! Childhood passes quickly, I never thought so, but now, with two teenagers, I see how fast it went. So keep them children as long as you can without holding them back of course!

  3. Happy Birthday Dear Miriam, you are the sweetest ten year old that I know! Benedict is hot on your heels however and he'll be celebrating 'double digits' before too long.

    Birthday Blessings to you Eva, you are one special mama for sure. Stretching my arms out across the pond and sending you a big hug!

    San xxx

    1. Thanks so much, San! What a compliment. Remind me, when is Benedict's birthday? Returning the hug! (Miriam was picturing you standing at the sea shore with extended arms! :))

    2. I grabbed that hug with heart full of gratitude! We don't live too far from the sea so next time I'm there I'll send a special hug to Miriam!

      Benedict will be ten in June!

      Love to you

      San and co xxxx

    3. I'm glad the hug reached your shores--with all the snow we are getting :)! Thanks for reminding me of Benedict's birthday.


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