Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Tate Modern

On February 17, we visited Tate Modern with my parents.  

Am 17. Februar waren wir mit meinen Eltern bei der Tate Modern, einer Kunstgallerie für moderne Kunst.  

 St. Paul's Cathedral
St. Pauls Kathedrale

 Millenium Bridge
Millenium Brücke


A gigantic tower made out of radios and cell phones, very interesting.  Here is a video about the artist and how the tower was built.

Ein Riesenturm aus Radios und Handys. 


  1. I see a beautiful blue sky photo! How nice that you can have time with your parents :)

    1. Yes, my dad would love to come back in April, but I think it will be too expensive to come twice. And the blue sky was such a nice change.


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