Wednesday, September 14, 2016

First Week of School (So Far)/Erste bisherige Schulwoche

We have managed to stick to a very tight schedule these last past three days.  Everybody is working hard and somebody is dancing every day, except on the weekends (although that will change soon with the upcoming Nutcracker rehearsals scheduled for Saturdays).  We have ballet classes Monday through Friday.  Here are few pictures I managed to take so far.

Wir haben es geschafft, einen ganz straff organisierten Stundenplan die letzten drei Tage einzuhalten.  Alle arbeiten viel und fleißig, und getanzt wird jeden Tag, nur nicht am Wochenende.  Allerdings wird sich das bald ändern, wenn dann noch die Nußknackerproben am Samstag hinzukommen.  Hier sind einige Fotos der letzten Tage.  

 Julius enjoys our not so orderly living-room. 
Julius freut sich darüber, daß unser Wohnzimmer nicht besonders aufgeräumt ist. 

 Phonics for Flora: After concentrating on learning how to read in German, we are finally approaching the English sound system.  It is not so easy to keep the two apart!
Englische Phonetik für Flora: Nachdem sie sich bisher hauptsächlich mit dem Lesenlernen auf Deutsch beschäftigt hat, haben wir endlich den Sprung ins Englische gewagt.  Es ist gar nicht so einfach, die beiden Lautsysteme auseinanderzuhalten!

 Charlotte is doing an experiment for physics: She has to find out something about the sound of the guitar strings.
Charlotte macht ein Physikexperiment: Sie muß etwas über den Klang der Gitarrensaiten herausfinden.

 Flora is doing her first math speed sheet!
Flora macht ihren ersten Mathezettel auf Zeit!

 Kitchen helper

 Veronika has started the alto recorder.
Veronika hat mit Altflöte angefangen.

 Her first ripe tomatoes!
Ihre ersten reifen Tomaten!

 Handwork on our bed: Veronika is making a cross stitch sampler, and Miriam and Flora are knitting.
Handarbeitsstunde auf unserem Bett: Veronika macht Kreuzstich, und Miriam und Flora stricken.

 New town, new ballet studio!
Neues Ballettstudio!

 While her sisters and her brother are dancing, Flora and I are checking out the local bookstore that has a play area!
Während ihre Schwestern und ihr Bruder tanzen, erkunden Flora und ich den Buchladen, der eine Spielecke hat!

 This is my "new office" when it is my turn to drive five children to ballet: the library!  On those days, Flora and Veronika stay with Peter on campus because otherwise, we would not have enough room in the car for everybody.  
Hier ist mein neues Büro für die Tage, an denen ich fünf Kinder zum Ballett fahre: die Bücherei!  Dann bleiben Veronika und Flora mit Peter auf dem Campus, da wir sonst nicht genug Platz im Auto hätten.

    Tuesdays, I am picking up Veronika and Miriam.  My friend is driving that day to get them, Jonathan and Charlotte, and her girls there.  There is a short time for Veronika, Miriam, and Flora to check out the library.
Dienstags hole ich Veronika und Miriam nur ab.  Meine Freundin fährt sie, Jonathan und Charlotte und ihre eigenen Töchter zum Ballett.  Es gibt ein wenig Zeit, mit Veronika, Miriam und Flora nach dem Tanz die Bücherei dort zu besuchen.    

Our water pipe leak in the garage has been fixed (although it took two days).  The faucets have not been fixed.  It is very hard to find somebody to do that!

Das Wasserrohr in der Garage ist repariert, auch wenn es zwei Tage gedauert hat.  Die Wasserhähne sind noch nicht ersetzt.  Es ist sehr schwierig, dafür jemanden zu finden.  

I teach German every day: Monday, Wednesday, Friday are the days for my beginning students, Tuesdays and Thursdays I teach my intermediate student.  I teach her here at home because after my lesson with her I have to leave to drive to ballet.  I also have Flora during our lesson time together.  

Ich unterrichte jeden Tag Deutsch: Montag, Mittwoch und Freitag ist für die Anfänger reserviert, Dienstag und Donnerstag habe ich meine Studentin, die Deutsch jetzt im dritten Semester macht.  Sie unterrichte ich hier bei uns zu Hause, weil ich nach dem Unterricht gleich zum Ballett fahren muß.  Außerdem habe ich Flora ja noch :).  


  1. Hello Eva,

    It's nice to see Julius. He looks very comfortable :) And it looks like such a nice homeschooling day. It must feel good to get started and have everyone begin work again in a more structured way. I love the pic of Flora helping in the kitchen and Veronika's tomatoes look delicious.

    It's exciting to explore a new town. The library looks warm and inviting and the bookstore looks like a fun place. The studio has a nice floor. This is the ballet teacher they've always had and whose Nutcracker they have always performed in? She moved here with her family? I've forgotten her name. Is this her own studio, or is she teaching in someone else's? It looks very nice :)

    Happy homeschooling! (I hope the German classes are going well also and you don't have to explain about the computer anymore.)

    1. He is indoors more often now because it is getting colder. My complicated plan has been a real blessing. It is working quite well, we do need to make a few corrections, but other than that, it is a good one.

      The new town is a bit funny. There are many old and nice buildings, but also many run-down areas, a funny mix. Yes, that is Sarah, the same teacher, well they had a different teacher when they started out, but she has been with us for five years I think. Her husband was a college student here. That is why they moved here. They have one son, who is four years old. This is her very own studio and she renovated the old building all by herself!!

      Well, I am not done with all my computer explaining, but I do have a wonderful technology person, Jake, who helps me out when I get stuck. He works for my publisher and is answering all my questions via e-mail very patiently.

    2. P.S. The paintings in the library belong to the Hudson River School.

    3. I'm impressed with the paintings in the library! I love the Hudson River School artists. They're so beautiful. How nice to be able to look at them while you're there. I'm also impressed with your ballet teacher for renovating her studio :) Your organization is like a knitting pattern: it only looks confusing until you actually do it :)

    4. I have to look at them more closely on Wednesday :). I will let you know more about them. Sometimes the knitting pattern has a dropped stitch, though, but then we try to pick it up :). Yes, she did a wonderful job with the studio. She received some kind of grant to start her space there.

  2. I often think " I don't know how she does it!!" Good job you have it all worked out because it is as clear as mud to me :-).

    I love the girls assembled on your bed for handwork classes and I also love the ring quilt.

    Thanks for sharing your days they are always interesting and informative xx

    1. No, I do not have it worked out, but I do have a detailed schedule because otherwise nothing would happen. I really like the book Managers of Their Homes. This has been very helpful to me with my planning. And we do not always manage to do everything the plan says, but in combination with daily assignment plans for each child we do get important things done. Just reading over my plan makes me dizzy too, but once you do it, it is not so difficult and complicated anymore.

      We did handwork on the bed because the living-room couch was not cleaned up :).

      I am glad my complicated days are informative and interesting. I am not sure how much blogging I can do this semester. I am normally too busy/exhausted at night to think about my poor blog.


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