Thursday, January 1, 2015

Rest in Peace/Ruhe in Frieden


This morning in church we found out that our old pastor, Father J., did not live to see the year 2015.  He died peacefully yesterday morning in the nursing home.  We had been thinking about going up to see him within the next few days.  This took us all by surprise.  We will attend his wake on Saturday and of course his funereal on Monday.  Jonathan will be the altar server.  May his soul rest in peace.

Heute morgen in der Kirche haben wir herausgefunden, daß unser alter Pfarrer nicht das neue Jahr erleben durfte.  Er starb friedlich gestern morgen im Altenpflegeheim.  Wir hatten eigentlich vor, ihn in den nächsten Tagen zu besuchen.  Wir gehen am Samstag zu seiner Totenwache und am Montag zu seiner Beerdigung.  Jonathan wird Meßdiener sein.  Herr, gib ihm die ewige Ruhe.  


  1. May he rest in peace. He had a fruitful vocation.

    1. He was a wonderful man and has touched many lives around here. Thanks for your comment, Lucy!

  2. Hugs to you. I know you all thought very highly of him x

    1. Thank you, dear San. I just got back from the wake with Miriam and Veronika. Peter is there now with Jonathan and Charlotte. Flora is still sick with a fever. It was very moving to be back in our old church with our old friends and Father. There were the Knights of Columbus standing guard at the coffin and there was plenty of time to pray and remember.

  3. Das ist traurig und doch auch wieder schön, dass er so friedlich einschlafen durfte. Unsere lieben Gedanken an euch alle!

    1. Ja, einfach im Schlaf. Er hat keinen "gewarnt". Danke für die netten Worte.

  4. (Sending this again since I'm not sure if it went through the first time . . I had forgotten to sign in).

    Hello Eva,

    I'm finally catching up with you. We returned home Thursday, New Year's Day. I'm sorry to hear about your Pastor! I remember you writing about him and that he was special to you. It's heartening to know you've made warm connections at his wake and have had a peaceful time thinking of him. I send healthful prayers for Flora! I hope she is feeling better soon.


    1. No, it did not get through the first time. I always hate it when this happens, especially when you have written a long comment.

      Thanks for your kind words and prayers for Flora. She was up today, but now it is Veronika's turn. I hope she will be the last one.


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