Sunday, January 4, 2015


People seem to be coming down with the flu around here.  Charlotte started, but is doing much better now, just a lingering cough.  Then it was Flora's turn.  Today she was up again for the first time, but Veronika came down with it.  I hope she will be the last one because tomorrow we would like to go the funeral of our old pastor.  His wake was beautiful.  There was prayer at the open coffin with some Knights of Columbus standing guard and a remembrance wall with pictures of him at the entrance of the church.  In the basement were light refreshments and we met quite a few familiar faces that were very glad to see us again.  Some of them we had not seen for years.

We have finished almost all our Christmas letters and presents (don't laugh, it is still Christmas time!) and are doing some bathroom repairs (new heater, Peter is re-caulking the bathtub, new lamp over the sink, and a motor replacement in the fan).  I am playing around with Moodle for my upcoming German classes.

Healthy children did build a snow woman, though.

Hier scheint so einer nach dem anderen mit der Grippe krank zu werden.  Charlotte hat angefangen, aber jetzt geht es ihr besser, sie hustet nur noch viel.  Danach ist Flora krank geworden.  Heute ist sie zum ersten Mal wieder aufgestanden, aber dafür ist Veronika ins Bett gegangen.  Mal sehen, ob sie so morgen zur Beerdigung gehen kann.  Die Totenwache gestern war wunderschön.  Man konnte am offenen Sarg beten (der von Kolumbusrittern bewacht wurde).  Es gab auch Fotos vom Pfarrer aus ganz verschiedenen Epochen seines Lebens.  Im Keller gab es dann eine Kleinigkeit zu essen und gemütliches Beisammensein, mit Menschen, mit denen wir zehn Jahre lang zur Kirche gegangen sind.  Viele hatten wir seit zwei Jahren nicht gesehen und so war die Wiedersehensfreude groß.  

Wir haben fast alle Weihnachtsbriefe und Geschenke fertig (das sind die für das Weihnachtsfest von 2014, aber bitte nicht lachen, immerhin ist immer noch Weihnachten) und machen einige Badezimmerreparaturen (neue Heizung an der Wand, Peter dichtet die Badewanne neu ab, neue Lampe und neuen Motor für den Ventilator).  Ich spiele mit Moodle herum, um das neue Semester und meine beiden Kurse vorzubereiten.  

Gesunde Kinder haben eine Schneefrau gebaut.    


  1. It sounds similar to what everyone had around our house during Advent, high fevers and coughs. I hope that everyone feels better soon.

    1. Thanks so much, Christine. I have no idea where we picked this one up. I hope it will pass soon.

  2. That is a very sweet snowman and I'm sorry there is sickness in your home. I hope all are well again soon :) It is very much still Christmas and you are keeping the holiday well in working on such a lovely things as the Christmas letter and gifts. Good luck with the bathroom repairs . . a new light fixture sounds very nice. I was just talking with my friend today about how I need to replace my kitchen and bathroom fixtures. They are both fluorescent bulbs and I would like something more warm and comfortable. Our tub needs recaulking also but it has not been done yet. Kudos to Peter for accomplishing this task! It's a very good start to the new year :) xoxo

    1. Oh I wish we could have picked a nicer fixture, but this was a necessary repair with no time to think about it and so it is another fluorescent bulb, but smaller than the last one. I also don't care for them, but that was all that was possible for now. Our caulk looked really disgusting, so it is good that that has changed now. It gets so moldy in the bathrooms here! I bet you have a similar problem because you don't have a window in your bathroom, right?


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