Friday, January 23, 2015


Yes, palm trees.  This is what we see now when stepping into our back yard!  We have joined Peter, Jonathan, and Miriam in California.  Peter has received a research fellowship here.  

Ja, Palmen.  Die sehen wir jetzt, wenn wir unseren kleinen Garten hinter dem Haus betreten.  Wir haben uns Peter, Jonathan und Miriam in Kalifornien angeschlossen.  Peter hat hier ein Forschungsstipendium bekommen.   

 Leaving cold New York where you do wear hats in January.
Wir verlassen das kalte New York, wo man im Winter und besonders im Januar Mützen braucht.

 Flying from Rochester to Atlanta
Flug von Rochester nach Atlanta


Atlanta's airport is the largest in the world!
Atlantas Flughafen ist der größte der Welt! 

 Southwest Airlines has really colorful airplanes.
Die Fluglinie Southwest hat sehr bunte Flugzeuge.

 On our way to California.  The flight is almost as long as a flight to Europe, but they do not serve you "free" food.
Auf dem Weg nach Kalifonrien.  Man fliegt fast so lange wie nach Europa, doch bekommt man kein "kostenloses" Essen.  

 Doing some coloring to fill the long hours.
Ein bißchen Anmalen füllt die langen Stunden.


Los Angeles

 Lots of Asian people and signs all over
Viele Asiaten und asiatische Schilder überall

 Peter's research university
Peters Forschungsuniversitiät

 Roses in January
Rosen im Januar

 View from Peter's office
Blick von Peters Büro


 I guess people in California find it cold, even outdoors :)
Die Menschen in Kalifornien finden es sogar draußen kalt :)

 Peter's office window
Peters Bürofenster

 Small chapel on campus
Eine kleine Kapelle auf dem Unigelände


 I am the light of the world in German


So here we are, still recovering from an exhausting week of getting a house ready for somebody else to live in there, packing for a different climate, and teaching my two German classes online at the same time.  We are also trying to get adjusted to the new time zone here, after all this is three hours earlier than the East coast.  But I did want to say "Hello" to you all.

Hier sind wir also, wir versuchen uns von einer anstrengenden Woche zu erholen, in der wir das Haus für eine Mieterin auf Vordermann gebracht haben, für ein anderes Klima gepackt haben und in der ich so nebenher meine zwei Deutschseminare unterrichtet habe, die jetzt Fernkurse sind.  Ich unterrichte sie also weiter, aber per Computer.  Wir müssen uns auch noch der anderen Zeitzone anpassen.  Das sind immerhin drei Stunden Unterschied zur Ostküste.  Aber "Hallo" wollte ich schon einmal sagen.  


  1. Hallo Eva, das sind ja tolle Neuigkeiten!!! Ich bin gerade beim Nach-Lesen hier, da ich grippebedingt ein paar Tage mehr oder weniger ganz im Bett verbracht habe (dieser Jänner hat es in sich!).
    Heißt das, dass ihr inzwischen euer Haus jemandem vermietet habt?
    Das wird jetzt bestimmt auch mit dem Fernunterricht spannend und bestimmt auch abwechslungsreich. Ich wünsche alles Gute bei diesem neuen Abenteuer!

    1. Ach Du Arme! Dir würden die Temperaturen von 27 Grad hier gut tun. Hoffentlich wird das bald besser. Ich muß mir immer wieder sagen, es ist Januar und nicht Juli :): Wir haben unser Haus vermietet und Julius hat so auch eine Betreuung. Der Fernunterricht hat sich gut eingependelt, meine Assistentin beim College trifft sich auch einmal pro Woche mit den Studenten, damit sie Deutsch reden. Freitags mache ich dann mit den Studenten Skype. Das fängt aber erst nächste Woche an. Also, nochmals gute Besserung.

  2. You have been in mind and in my prayers, so thank you for popping by!! What an amazing week you have had but it has got to be worth it even for those beautiful roses and poppies!!

    Hope you manage to post some pics of your new abode at some point!

    Have a restful weekend

    San and co xx

    1. Thanks so much, San. It was hard to do everything by myself. We had so many things go wrong. The day before our departure, there was a power outage and the kitchen lamp broke. Without our great neighbor, we would be without a light. I ordered a new fixture from here and he installed it today. He also was there to oversee the plumber's work. Great neighbor, what else can I say!

      It is beautiful here, but there are LOTS of cars. I will not drive on one of those highways ever. The traffic scares me to death. I have not driven at all so far. I will post a few pictures of the house, hopefully tonight. Greetings to all of you!

  3. Wie schön! Angekommen! Ich wollte dir noch eine Email schreibe, doch meine Email spinnt wieder. Lebt euch gut ein und geniesst die Zeit! Scheint warm zu sein.

    1. Dumm , daß die Email wieder nicht geht. Es waren heute 27 Grad! Man weiß gar nicht so recht, was man anziehen soll, morgens ist es sehr kühl und die Heizung springt an. Wir sind noch dabei, uns einzuleben und herauszufinden, wo alles ist.

  4. Welcome to the City of Angels!!! Isn't California beautiful? I lived there for about seven years in the early 80's (with frequent trips back east!). We look forward to hearing all about your West coast impressions and adventures!!! (Roses and Palm Trees and Poppies . . oh my! "Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore :) "

    1. Yes, it is beautiful, especially at this time of the year because it is not so hot. I love the palm trees and the mountains we see when we step outside. I was here in 1986, so a bit later than you. The traffic is awful though. Not so bad where we live, but the way from the airport to here, that was something. And I come from a country with fast cars and fast drivers. No, we are not in Kansas anymore. Today I took a picture of a huge cactus!

  5. Willkommen zur Westkueste! Schade, dass Oregon zu weit fuer einen Besuch ist...
    Es ist ja prima, dass Sie Ihre Collegekurse per Fernunterricht weiter unterrichten koennen. Wohnen Sie an der Universitaet, oder haben Sie ein moebliertes Haus gemietet? Ist Kater Julius auch auf Reisen gegangen?
    Ich wuensche Ihnen allen eine wunderbare Zeit in Kalifornien, und dass Sie viele Gelegenheiten finden werden, die Gegend zu erkunden.

    1. Ja, Oregon ist leider zu weit, ich war 1986 dort und es hat mir gut gefallen :). Nein, wir wohnen in einem Vorort von L.A. Zur Uni kann mein Mann nur mit dem Auto kommen. Nein, Julius mußte zu Hause bleiben, das wäre hier nichts für ihn. Er ist eine echte Dorfkatze und die Großstadt wäre nichts für ihn. Er würde bestimmt unter die Räder kommen, Wir haben eine Professorin, die in unserem Haus wohnt und sich um ihn kümmmert. Heute haben wir eine Büchereikarte bekommen. Das war ein guter Ausflug zu Fuß. Danke für die Willkommensgrüße!

  6. Oh wow, Eva! Welcome to southern CA. I hope you enjoy your time here! So the Santa Ana's are blowing but hey no snow out here! I recognize the campus too ; )

    1. Thanks so much, Jenny! I never thought I would travel here this year. Yes, the winds are blowing, the wind is refreshing, and I do not miss the snow. We have had our share already. I was joking back in NY that we got so much snow so early so that we would not miss it once we were gone. The campus is kind of intimate, isn't it? Students are just arriving, the semester is starting on Monday. People are very friendly, but the coffee shop has really slow service. And I just discovered that the big swimming-pool (the public one, not the campus one) is right across the street. We will go there and practice swimming. I hope we can do this at least once a week. I was disappointed with the large chapel, though, not the small one above. Did not look like a church at all. Have you seen the big Jesus mural? Looks kind of new. Funny to be in the same state now.

  7. "Poppies . . Poppies . . Poppies . . " Sorry. I can't help with all these Wizard of Oz quotes . . I watched it every year on TV when I was growing up :P

    The palm tree pic is so pretty as are the airplane pics. Is your house nice? And the garden? How do you like that Los Angelinos air? Can you smell the pepper or eucalyptus trees? The smog shouldn't be bad this time of year. I remember some real rainy days in late January, and in February. And it's just like the song: "It never rains in California, but girl don't they warn ya, it pours, man it pours." And I think around March the warm Santa Ana winds can start to blow . .
    Ah, Eva. California is a special place. I'm glad all of you are getting a chance to live there for awhile :)
    Look at Flora with no sweater or hat or gloves! It's so different from NY!
    Sending a big hug to all of you . . xoxo

    1. :))))! The house is very nice, lots of light, enough space, just the washing machine is having some issues, but it is working fine (the owner knows about this, It would involve major plumbing work and is not possible right now. I took few pictures today and hope I will be able to upload them later. The air where we live is very clean. I remember lots of smog in 1986, but that was right downtown. No rain so far, but I think there is a severe drought here right now. We do have some warm winds, though. Maybe they came early?
      Today we had almost 82 degrees! This is January! So hard to believe. But it does get cold at night and the heat goes on. Flora was wearing your sunhat today when we took a walk to the local library branch and got a library card :). I talked to Peter on the phone (he is with his other research fellows) and he was very impressed with my getting to know the area so quickly. Now it is time to make dinner and bathe a few children. We do have to get back to homeschooling for real. After all, this is not just a vacation although it feels like one. Sending you a Californian hug back. Probably my pictures will bring back many memories for you. Did you meet Greg out here? Peter has lots of cousins in the area.

  8. Dear Eva,
    Oh my! So very exciting for your family! Thank you for popping in to say hello:) Your pictures are wonderful-- it looks to be a fun, beautiful winter and spring.

    I was wondering how you were going to teach your class-- that's a great way to do it-- enjoy! Although I imagine you and your students will miss the face to face interactions.

    I too look forward to "seeing" your new house:) blessings on your weekend.


    1. Thanks so much, Barbara. You pretty card arrived yesterday. The first real mail we received here. Thanks so much :). Yes, I prefer to see and talk to my students face to face, but this will be okay. It is good I know them, though. Teaching a class like this without really knowing your students would be hard. We will skype once a week, starting next week.

      I hope to post some house pictures later on. We will see how it goes.

  9. Congratulations to Peter! California is a beautiful state! I have been enjoying all of your photos. God bless all of you!

    1. Thanks so much, Christine. Quite different here, but lots of new impressions. Glad you have been enjoying the pictures.


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