Thursday, May 8, 2014


Miriam studied the horsetail today.  This interesting plant consists of two parts that look like separate plants.  Miriam hat sich heute mit dem Ackerschachtelhalm beschäftigt.  Diese interessante Pflanze besteht aus zwei Teilen, die wie zwei verschiedene Pflanzen aussehen.  

 You can see the two different parts in the center of the picture and towards the left hand side.
Man kann die zwei verschiedenen Teile in der Mitte und links hinten im Bild sehen.

The spores are contained in the right hand kind.
Die Sporen befinden sich in der rechten Pflanze. 

Shaking the spores out.
Die Sporen herausschütteln.

How green they are!
Wie grün die doch sind!

 With our computer microscope we looked at the tip of the spore bearing part in more detail.
Mit unserem Computermikroskop haben wir uns die Spitze der sporentragenden Pflanze genauer angesehen.

Miriam's drawing
Miriams Zeichnung

And what else did we find in our yard?  A blooming magnolia tree and daffodils!
Und was gab es noch in unserem Garten?  Eine blühende Magnolie und Osterglocken!


  1. Great botanical drawings Miriam. Magnolia trees are beautiful. Looks like you have sun, we have cold and rain :-(

    1. Thanks, San. I love magnolia trees as well. Ours is not doing so well anymore. It is the tree that lost a huge chunk in a storm some time ago and it simply does not look healthy anymore. Yes, it has been sunny, but tonight we had a thunder storm and lots of rain. It is fairly warm, though, which is a good thing because our furnace is broken.

  2. Dear Eva,

    I love horsetails! They are such an interesting plant-- I agree, Miriam's drawing is very good!

    Please tell me about your computer microscope... How does it work? I've not heard of one before. I am looking at driving to a library about 45 minutes away once a month to use their homeschool science lab. Or maybe buying a microscope for our family eventually.

    Thanks, Barbara

  3. Thank you, Barbara. My parents gave us this microscope. You need to install some software and then you have this gadget that magnifies anything onto your computer screen. Here is an American version of what we have. It looks exactly like ours. It is fine for simple magnifying, but I doubt it is enough for high school. Driving for 45 minutes sounds kind of complicated, unless the lab has other equipment you don't have at home. We haven't done any complicated science projects, but so far none of our children seems to be so interested in the sciences.

  4. Yes! I though of that after I sent it and then forgot to correct-- sorry! Kwik- sew

  5. Beautiful drawing, Miriam! What a lovely day and a lovely lesson :)


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