Sunday, November 18, 2012

Cooler Woes/Kühlvorrichtungsprobleme

This weekend our food Co-op has had a broken cooler. So many refrigerated items needed to be marked down so they would sell fast. It took the manager 41 phone calls to find a repairman to come out. The only one she could find was from Pennsylvania! Most men this month are more interested in hunting than working: It's hunting season and you can hear the guns early in the morning, especially on the weekends. He fixed the cooler, but he must have fixed it so well that everything was frozen the next morning causing the glass milk bottles to explode and making a horrible mess. After church and the blessing of the hunters, Peter, Jonathan, Charlotte, and Miriam went to the Co-op to help clean up the mess. They had to throw so much food away! (due to regulations -- although we tried to take as much as possible). What a setback for the store!

Dieses Wochenede ist die Kühlvorrichtung in unserem Bioladen kaputtgegangen. Viele gekühlten Lebensmittel saßen auf einmal im Warmen und mußten sofort runtergesetzt werden, damit sie schnell abgestoßen werden konnten. Die Verwalterin des Ladens hat natürlich versucht, einen Techniker zu finden. Nach 41 Telefonaten hat sie endlich jemanden aus Pennsylvania gefunden. Es ist im Moment schwierig, jemanden zu bekommen, da die Jagdsaison in vollem Gange ist und die meisten Männer am Wochenende jagen und nicht arbeiten wollen.  Man hört die Gewehre schon am frühen Morgen, besonders am Wochenende.  Der Schaden ist dann behoben worden, aber so gut, daß am nächsten Morgen alles gefroren war und nicht nur das, sondern daß die Glasmilchflaschen geplatzt waren, was natürlich eine große Putzaktion erforderlich machte. Also sind Peter, Jonathan, Charlotte und Miriam nach der Kirche (mit Segnung der Jäger) zum Bioladen gefahren und haben bei der Säuberungsaktion geholfen. Es mußte aufgrund von Lebensmittelgesetzen soviel weggeworfen werden! (Wir haben versucht, einiges nach Hause mitzunehmen, doch war das nur ein Tropfen auf einen heißen Stein).  Was für ein schwerer Schlag für unseren kleinen Laden.


  1. Oje, das ist wirklich ein harter Schlag für den Laden. Haben sie denn normalerweise am Sonntag offen?

    1. Nein, da unser Dorf großen Wert auf Sonntagsruhe legt. Doch hat die Managerin des Ladens den Schaden am Sonntag bemerkt, das erste Problem war ja Samstag und sie wollte am Sonntag nur noch mal sehen, ob noch alles in Ordnung war und hat dann die zerplatzten Milchflaschen gefunden.

  2. So frustrating, will the co-op be able to claim on insurance for the loss of goods? There's nothing worse than wasted food.

    Hope you are having an otherwise reasonable start to your week.

    San xx

    1. They don't know yet, they are hoping they will. This week will be somewhat different because of the Thanksgiving Break. We hope to get some things accomplished we normally don't get to tackle.

  3. oh no! that is unfortunate. i'm glad some of the food was able to be rescued.

    so much hunting! are they shooting turkeys and deer? will you eat a turkey, and where will you get it from? i had wanted to order one from our amish farmer, but i put it off for too long. we'll go to my mom's and my sister will cook the turkey since we won't be there until thursday morning.

    today is korrina's birthday . . and thanksgiving is tomorrow! too much to do! the holiday time is wonderfully fun and wonderfully exhausting.

    have a wonderful thanksgiving, eva. (i should be asleep!)

    1. This is hunting territory, almost everybody hunts around here. Even some students do, once a student gave Peter some deer meat. Many people do bow and arrow shooting here. A street over has signs in a wooded lot that states that you can't do bow and arrow shooting there! You see dead deer hanging in the trees all over the place (slit open to let the blood drain), even one of our neigbors has one hanging in his yard. Not a pleasant sight, but I'm used to it by now. They mainly hunt deer, pheasants and, turkeys.

      We didn't eat turkey this year. Our co-op had local turkey for sale, but it was too expensive. So we just got some local rabbit. I made a prune cranberry sauce with it. We also had brown rice and green beans with onions and garlic. Dessert was an apple, pear, blueberry crisp and for teatime there was pumpkin pie.

      Happy birthday to Chanda and Korrina. I will "visit" your blog soon. I already saw the nice pictures of Chanda's birhday. Now you have three teenagers. I hope you are having a nice time in Montauk. Happy Thanksgiving to the whole family!



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