Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Miriam's first main lesson block is about shelters.  We started by thinking about what shelters are, and we read the story of a little boy who wants to build himself a house.  He travels all over the world with his uncle and finds many different types of houses, but in the end he builds his own.  The book is called The Little Boy and His House.  Here are the first few pages:

Miriams erste Hauptepoche handelt von Behausungen.  Wir haben uns Gedanken über den Begriff Behausung gemacht und dann die Geschichte eines kleinen Jungen und seines Onkels gelesen, der sich selbst ein Haus bauen möchte.  Dafür reist er durch die ganze Welt und lernt viele verschiedene Haustypen kennen, doch baut er sich zum Schluß ein ganz anderes.  Das Buch heißt The Little Boy and His House.  Oben kann man die ersten Seiten sehen.  

The first type of shelter we looked at more closely was the cave.  We read about caves in The Story Book of Things We Use and also looked at some photographs of caves.  Here are a few pages from that book:

Unsere erste Behausung, die wir näher untersucht haben, war die Höhle.  Wir haben über Höhlen in The Story Book of Things We Use nachgelesen und uns auch Fotos von Höhlen angeschaut.  Oben sind ein paar Seiten aus diesem Buch.

Afterwards, Miriam made a cave out of modeling clay.  Anschließend hat Miriam eine Höhle aus Ton geformt.  


  1. We actually have that first book! It took me a while to find it in our storage bookshelves, and indeed, it is the same. I recognized the cursive writing style. I got it after my son was too old for it, but I'll probably save it for third grade to read to my daughter. I'd love to find the first book, The Story Book of Things We Use. My library doesn't have it.
    You have the titles reserved. The first set of pictures is for The Story Book of Things We Use, and the second set is definitely The Boy and His House.

    Wonderful old books!

  2. I got "The Story Book of Things We Use" at a used library book sale. Amazon has a few fairly cheap copies. AddAll and Bookfinder even have some cheaper ones.

    Your are right, I mixed up my titles and pictures. I just changed it. Thanks for pointing that out!

  3. Dear Eva,
    What a cahrming book to use. I love those type of illlustrations.
    I am sure this will be a delightful main lesson block


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