Monday, August 29, 2011

Happy Birthday, Veronika! Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag, Veronika!

Our summer child turned six while staying at her grandparents' house. She had a wonderful celebration with parents, siblings, grandparents, and one aunt. Here are a few pictures of the event.

Unser Sommerkind ist während unseres Besuches bei den Großeltern sechs geworden. Sie hatte eine herrliche Feier mit Eltern, Geschwistern, Großeltern und einer Tante. Hier sind einige Fotos der Feier.

Lavender's Blue Dilly Dilly (Singing with Childern Series song Book and CD)Wooden Croaking Frog - Fancy Red 5.5""There were many lovely presents like a subscription to Highlights, a cute frog that makes a croaking sound when being rubbed with a mallet (it's like a percussion instrument), a picture book from Germany based on the story of the three bears by Tolstoy, doll's clothing from Palümba, a disposable camera, the song book Lavender's Blue Dilly Dilly (Singing with Children Series song Book and CD), the Flower Fairy Alphabet Book and Coloring Book, and more.  

Flower Fairies AlphabetDrei Baeren Nach einem Maerchen von Leo N. TolstojSie hat viele schöne Geschenke bekommen: ein Abonnement für die Kinderzeitschrift Highlights, einen süßen Frosch, der Quakgeräusche macht, wenn man ihm mit einem Schlegel über den Rücken streicht (mehr wie ein Musikinstrument), das schöne Bilderbuch Drei Bären, welches auf einer Geschichte von Tolstoi beruht, Puppenkleider von Palümba, einen Wegwerffotoapparat,ein Liederbuch mit CD, ein Blumenkinder Alphabet Buch mit Malbuch und vieles mehr.  


  1. Die Bilder zeigen ein sehr fröhliches Geburtstagskind: es muss wirklich eine sehr schöne Feier gewesen sein, mit viel Freude!
    Auch aus Südtirol alles Gute, Veronika!

  2. Happy Birthday Veronika, how lovely to spend your day with extra family members.

    Looks like mummy finally finished your special doll.

    Birthday blessings to you.

    San and all xx

  3. Danke für die Glückwünsche, Sybille, Veronika kann man ihre Gefühle (gute und schlechte) immer ganz genau aus dem Gesicht ablesen. Das hat Vor- und Nachteile . . . Wenn sie aber glücklich ist, strahlt der ganze Mensch :)

  4. Thank you San, Veronika was so happy to receive your card. Actually, I finished the doll a few months back. Now Flora keeps asking me when I will make her one :). Hers is supposed to look like Miriam's.

  5. what a fun and special celebration! happy birthday to both of you :) the doll is gorgeous. you must feel pleased and she looks so happy.

  6. Thank you Dorina. I'm working on a dress right now for the doll. It's a knitting project I started many years ago and seem to be finally able to finish.

  7. She is so sweet! Happy belated birthday wishes. My daughter turns six on Monday. :)

  8. Thank you, Alexandra! So our daughters are really close in age and we seem to be close in age also. (My oldest was born shortly before my 30th birthday). I hope she will have a wonderful celebration. Turning six in Germany means becoming a "school child." It's a big birthday there.

  9. Yes, we are close in age. My son(age 13) was born a month before my 32 birthday.

    Thanks. :) I am making her a butterfly cake(upon request) tomorrow.

  10. The butterfly cake sounds very lovely, you should post a picture of it!


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