Today was the last day of gymnastics -- the teachers are college students, so when the semester winds down the gymnastics classes end. Miriam had ballet this morning. I received some books from the library about chemistry. We will do some chemistry next year with Jonathan, but Live Education!, our main curriculum, doesn't have a booklet in their regular curriculum package for grade 7. So I've been looking at Integrated Physics & Chemistry and TOPS Science. Another possibility would be Science 7 for Young Catholics - Seton Grade 7. I've also been looking at Motivated Moms to streamline our chore system. We never seem to have time for major cleaning projects like washing windows, drapes, etc. Motivated Moms would help with that.
Heute war die letzte Gymnastikstunde. Die Lehrer sind alle Studenten. Wenn das Semester dem Ende zu geht, hört auch die Gymnastikstunde auf. Miriam hatte auch noch Ballett. Von der Bücherei habe ich einige Bücher über Chemie bekommen. Jonathan soll nächstes Schuljahr Chemie machen, aber Live Education!, woher wir viele Unterrichtsmaterialien beziehen, bietet Chemie erst für die 8. Klasse an. Daher schaue ich mir die oben abgebildeten Alternativen an. Ich überlege auch, wie wir unser Putzsystem verbessern können, da wir nie Zeit für größere Aktionen wie Fensterputzen, Gardinenwaschen usw. haben. Vielleicht hilft da Motivated Moms weiter. Gute Besserung für alle kranken Katzen!
Hi Eva - have you seen "The Wonders of Waldorf Chemistry" for grades 7-9? I haven't used it yet, but it looked very promising:
I just checked my recent shipment from the Rudolf Steiner Library in Ghent, and yes, it's among the books I received. I've looked through it, it is written quite clearly, but definitely written for a school lab. With chemistry I think it's very difficult to know what you can do safely (and cheaply) at home and what not! I don't want to invest in a chemistry kit right now. I want to wait for that one until high school. So I'm still thinking about what to do. I also got some old and new books on chemistry from our local library with some experiments you could do at home. Those don't tie in so well with the Waldorf school curriculum, though. They kind of jump around or stress the periodic table and formulas too much.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the review, that's very good to know! I would prefer to do at-home/kitchen chemistry for 7th & 8th grade, too. I suspect we'll have to piece it together from many different resources.
ReplyDeleteHave you seen this website?
There were quite a few which would fit with 7th grade.
Laurie, I tried your link, but it wasn't working. Could you check it one more time?