Thursday, February 22, 2018

This Week/Diese Woche

GBBC on Monday: Unfortunately, all our feeders got ruined by squirrels and we only had some seed on the ground.
Vögelzählen am Montag: Leider haben die Eichhörnchen alle Voglhäuschen zerstört, so daß wir nur Futter auf den Boden gestreut haben.

 Mother Nature gave me these snowdrops for my birthday on Tuesday.
Mutter Natur hat mir diese Scheeglöckchen am Dienstag zum Geburtstag geschenkt.

 And my sister Ute gave me 50 red roses!  They are perfect!
Und meine Schwester Ute hat mir 50 rote Rosen geschenkt.  Sie sind makellos!

 While I was teaching my German students, the girls baked cashew butter cookies for me.
Während ich meine Studenten unterrichtet habe, haben die Mädchen mir Cashewbutterkekse gebacken.

 This bunny also came to wish me a happy birthday.
Dieses Häschen hat mir auch zum Geburtstag gratuliert.


 It was in the 70's for my birthday, but today we woke to four inches of snow. 
An meinem Geburtstag waren es fast 20 Grad, aber heute morgen lagen 10 cm Neuschnee.

 I had planned a nature class on local birds (raptors) at Letchworth Park today, but the driving there was really tough.  On the way there, it looked as if no snowplow had been out.
Ich hatte für heute die Teilnahme an einer Naturkundeklasse in Letchworth Park geplant, aber die Fahrt dahin was sehr schwierig.  Auf der Hinfahrt sah es aus, als ob überhaupt nicht geräumt worden wäre.

 The class was wonderful, though!
Die Klasse war aber ganz toll!

 Flora is helping to demonstrate how owls hear.
Flora hilft mit zu zeigen, wie Eulen hören.

 And then we got to dissect owl pellets.  Flora and I only had some shrew bones.  
Und dann durften wir Eulen Gewölle untersuchen.  Flora und ich hatten nur Spitzmausknochen.

 Miriam and Veronika had a few heads!
Miriam und Veronika hatten ein paar Köpfe!

 This handy chart helped us to identify the bones. 
Mit Hilfe dieser Tabelle konnten wir die Knochen identifizieren.

 After class
Nach der Klasse

 I drove slowly while taking this picture.
Ich bin langsam gefahren, als ich dieses Foto gemacht habe.

 The ravine
Die Schlucht

 Genesee River
Genesee Fluß

 Can you see the sun shining on the hills?
Auf den Hügeln hinten scheint die Sonne.


  1. Wow, beautiful days Eva! And Happy Birthday! The cashew butter cookies look delicious, and the roses are so lovely. How thoughtful of your sister to send them :) How funny the weather is to feel like spring on your birthday and then to have such snow the day after! It's not easy driving when the streets are so slushy. You were quite intrepid, but the class certainly looked worth it!

    1. Thanks so much, Dorina! The cookies were good, we baked a second batch for Sunday. I was very surprised that my sister sent these! They are still very nice looking and have held up well. The teacher for the course was very good, Jonathan would have loved this class. I told him all about what we learned and pointed out a peregrine falcon's nest in the area. When he comes home for spring break, he wants to find that nest :).

  2. Happy Birthday Eva! your parcel has been sat on my desk for over a week but with sickness at this end it hasn't been posted. Hoping to post it on Monday :-) May God continue to bless and strengthen you in all that you do, much love San and all xx

    1. Don't worry about the parcel! Thanks so much for the birthday greetings. I hope you are all better by now.


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