Thursday, February 8, 2018


Charlotte sent this picture of the Hudson River this afternoon after she had boarded the train from NYC back to Rochester.  She will be home later today.  To see some of her doings, click over to Dorina's blog

Charlotte hat dieses Foto vom Hudson Fluß mir heute nachmittag geschickt, nachdem ihr Zug New York verlassen hatte.  Sie kommt später heute abend wieder nach Hause.  Hier kann man ein wenig sehen, was sie eine Woche in der Großstadt gemacht hat.  


  1. Really lovely photo of Charlotte on Dorina's blog, it looks like Charlotte has had a fab time x

    1. I thought so too, very pretty. She really enjoyed it there. Now she has to get used to living in the country again.

  2. I must admit I am not well travelled but I have always enjoyed city breaks; I guess it is because everything is near to hand and there is always plenty to see and do. Is Charlotte hoping to study at a dance academy in NYC? xx

    1. It is nice to visit cities once in a while, I do agree completely, especially when you live in a village that does not even have a grocery store!

      No, she only went there to try out for two summer intensive courses.

  3. Ah . . the mighty and beautiful Hudson!! I love train rides, though she certainly had a long one!

  4. The train ride along the Hudson is actually quite nice.


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