Presents for Mother's Day
Geschenke zum Muttertag
Veronika made this elaborate bird feeder out of paper. There were tiny birds attached to strings and when you pulled them out, you could find sweet messages or tiny bouquets of flowers. She came up with this idea herself.
Veronika hat dieses Vogelhäuschen aus Papier gebastelt. Es befanden sich kleine Vögel darin, die man an Fäden herausziehen konnte. Jeder Vogel hatte entweder eine liebe Botschaft oder einen kleinen Blumenstrauß am Faden.
Mother's Day trip
Ausflug zum Muttertag
Attending Our Lady of Mercy church in LeRoy, NY
Messe in der katholischen Kirche (Unsere Liebe Frau der Barhmerzigkeit) in LeRoy, im Staate New York
We then dropped Jonathan off at the GCV&M: He was to take part in a fashion show, modeling clothes from the 19th century.
Dann haben wir Jonathan beim Freilichtmuseum abgeliefert: Er sollte an einer Modenschau teilnehmen, die Kleidung des 19. Jahrhundert vorführen sollte.
While Jonathan was modeling, Charlotte made chocolate puffs in the Livingston-Backus House.
Während Jonathan Kleider vorführte, hat Charlotte Schokoladenbaiser im Livingston-Backus Haus hergestellt.
Charlotte was wearing a very pretty kerchief.
Charlotte durfte ein sehr hübsches Halstuch tragen.
View out of the window
Blick aus dem Fenster
Garden House
The lilac is ready to bloom.
Fast blüht der Flieder.
In the Romulus Female Seminary
In einer höheren Töchterschule
Copying the alphabet
Wir üben das Alphabet.
Apple trees
Oh no: Tent caterpillars! In 2010, there was a big invasion of them here. We saw them in Wellsville.
Oh je, amerikanische Ringelspinner! 2010 hatten wir hier eine große Plage damit, wie man auf meinem Blog sehen kann.
Running ahead to the farm to find the newborn lambs
Die Mädchen laufen vor, um die neugeborenen Lämmer zu suchen.
A new rooster
Ein neuer Hahn
And two new calves
Und zwei neue Kälbchen
Grating a chocolate bar to make hot chocolate
Miriam reibt Schokolade, um heißen Kakao zu machen.
We are going back to visit Charlotte and are allowed to look behind the scenes!
Wir besuchen noch einmal Charlotte und dürfen hinter die Kulissen schauen!
Games on the village green
Alte Spiele auf dem Dorfanger
She found interesting grasses
Sie hat interessante Gräser gefunden.
Pretty chair
Hübscher Stuhl
Funny poem
Lustiges Gedicht
Jonathan is driving us home.
Jonathan fährt uns nach Hause.
What a lovely day, I especially like Veronika's gift, such a thoughtful and ingenious idea. How did Jonathan enjoy his first modelling job?! Charlotte looked like she was also having fun. Has Jonathan already taken his driving test? Happy Monday X
ReplyDeleteI also thought that Veronika's gift was so sweet. We had lots of jokes about Jonathan's first modeling job in our family. He liked it fine, but thought they could have talked more in detail about the clothes people were modeling. They are always desparate for young men :). No, he still needs practice. We are working on practicing longer distances, changing lanes, what to do at traffic lights (the next traffic light is over 30 minutes away from us!), uphill, downhill, speed limits, etc. We also have to do parallel parking and highways. We have done some driving in the dark. He will take a driving course in a few weeks. That course is six hours long and mandatory in our state. Hopefully by the end of the summer, he will have his license. I saw your last blog entry and enjoyed it a lot. I will comment soon, now I have to make supper.
DeleteIt was such a nice Mother's Day for you. Were the chocolate puffs good? How nice to spend so much time outside :) (Those tent caterpillars are not fun . . my sister and husband have the little baby caterpillars falling out of the tops of the trees right now. They will put a sticky substance around the trunk of the trees to hopefully stop them from climbing back up).
ReplyDeleteThey were good, very crunchy and tiny, but good. The name was misleading, but it was the name given to them in an old cookbook. When we had that tent caterpillar invasion a few years ago, they had to spray the whole campus because they were falling onto the students when they went from one classroom building to another. They normally do not use much poison, but it was simply disgusting and they had to do something. Has your sister's trick helped?