Monday, May 2, 2011


Thank you so much for all your get well wishes and prayers.  We are on our way to getting better.  Veronika and her daddy are the only ones who didn't get sick.  Veronika had a fever earlier last week, but that was it.  So she was the one that could still attend ballet, pick up her costume for the recital and try it on. 

Ganz herzlichen Dank für alle Genesungswünche und Gebete.  Wir sind auf dem Wege der Besserung.  Veronika und ihr Papa sind die einzigen, die gesund geblieben sind.  Veronika hatte kurz nach Ostern Fieber, aber das war alles.  So war sie die einzige, die noch zur Ballettstunde gehen, ihr Kostüm für die Vorführung im Juni abholen und anprobieren konnte. 


  1. hello eva, i'm glad to hear all of you are on the mend. i hope the weather is getting warmer by you, also, and that the sun is shining. veronika looks beautiful in her costume!

  2. So glad to read you're on the mend and Veronika looks such a picture in her outfit.

    Blessings San xx

  3. We are slowly getting better (although Charlotte and Flora felt worse). The weather is awful: rainy and in the 40s. So we don't mind so much staying indoors. I will pass on the compliments to Veronika. Thank you, Dorina and San.


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