Sunday, January 16, 2011

Charlotte's Cake/Charlottes Kuchen

HOME ECONOMICS FOR HOME SCHOOLERS LEVEL ONE (THE QUIET ARTS SERIES)After church, we had a cozy day mostly inside.  In church Jonathan helped a new boy learn to become an altar server.  It is very cold outside, too cold to play for very long.  So the children got out their Brio train tracks and played with them for a long time instead.  I finished the body of Veronika's doll.  Now it only needs eyes, a mouth, and hair.  Veronika is very happy!  In the afternoon we had some cake that Charlotte baked yesterday.  We have a home economics course book for children six and older called  Home Economics for Home Schoolers Level One, which all of the children have enjoyed so far.  One of the lessons is how to bake a simple cake.  Charlotte remembered the lesson and decided to bake us the cake from it.  It was very good. 

I still have a few pictures from the last two days I would like to share. 

Ironed Crayon Pictures/Gebügelte Wachsmalbilder

Experimenting with diameters of different cylinders and finding the mysterious number "pi"/Experimente mit Durchmessern von Zylindern und Entdeckung der mysteriösen Zahl Pi. 

Playing a game: Little Trackers - by HABA/Wir spielen Kleine Spurensucher

Heute haben wir es uns nach der Kirche drinnen gemütlich gemacht.  In der Kirche hat Jonathan einem anderen Jungen gezeigt, was man als Meßdiener machen muß, weil dieser auch gerne Meßdiener werden möchte.  Draußen ist es sehr kalt, so daß man nicht lange dort spielen kann.  Die Kinder haben darum ihre Brio-Eisenbahn wiederentdeckt und lange damit gespielt.  Ich habe den Körper von Veronikas Puppe endlich zu Ende genäht.  Jetzt braucht sie nur noch Augen, einen Mund und Haare.  Veronika ist so glücklich darüber!  Heute nachmittag haben wir Charlottes selbstgebackenen Kuchen gegessen.  Wir haben einen Haushaltskurs für Kinder ab sechs Jahren, zu dem auch Kuchenbacken gehört.  Den Kindern gefällt dieses Buch sehr und Charlotte hat sich an das Kuchenrezept gestern erinnert.  So hat sie uns mit einem Kuchen überrascht.  Er war sehr lecker.  

Oben sind noch ein paar Bilder von den letzten zwei Tagen.   

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  1. Bei euch schaut es so richtig schön gemütlich aus!
    Wie macht ihr diese Wachsbilder, auf normalem Papier, einfach das Papier mit Wachstiften bemalen, dann in 2 Falten und bügeln?

  2. Hi Eva,

    As always such a lovely snapshot of family life. It's great when they can cook on their own! Sara made her first cake when she was eight and Em made her first Sunday roast complete with pudding when she was twelve.

    The iron art looks lovely, I had a go with my friends special craft iron, the crayon was melted directly onto the base plate and then pressed onto paper. It produced a lovely affect.

    Blessings San x

  3. hello eva, what fun things to do. charlotte's cake looks delicious! and the math work looks exciting. do the crayon pictures need to be made on special paper?

    i hope you are enjoying your mlk, jr. holiday. we're taking it easy after a busy weekend. it was one of the more difficult "family matters" performances we've had since we had been ill. but all is fine now, and we are resting.

  4. Hello San and Dorina, we used transparent paper (tracing paper), colored it thickly with wax crayons, folded it in half, placed it between old newsprint, and ironed it on a "silk" setting. It's a craft I remeber from my childhood. I think waxpaper should also work, or parchment paper.

    San, Em's potroast and pudding at age 12 sound like a great accomplishment!

    Dorina, I hope you will all recover quickly, were you happy with the performances inspite of the illnesses?

  5. Für diese Bilder nehmen wir transparentes Pauspapier (so ähnlich wie Butterbrotspapier oder auch Backpapier), tragen die Wachsmalstifte dick auf, falten das Papier in der Mitte und bügeln es auf der Seideneinstellung des Bügeleisens zwischen alten Papierstücken. Wir haben das früher als Kinder gemacht.

  6. hello eva, we have tracing paper. i think that would be the prettiest.

    family matters this year was fun, though it was the most stressful one i've ever been through. they had one performance on saturday, and two on sunday. morgana actually had a fever that needed to be taken down with ibuprofen on saturday. thank goodness, she was well for the two on sunday. we kept thinking chanda would succumb on sunday, but she held out. yesterday she had a headache and slight fever, but was better today.
    i slept practically all day yesterday, making up for the weekend worry.

    overall, all of us had a great time, though it wasn't easy.

    i hope all of you are better now, also!

  7. Oh, Dorina, it is amazing that you made it through the performances! Take care of yourself and get soon well completely. My best healing wishes for all of you!

  8. thank you, eva. your healing wishes mean a lot.


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