Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Garden Game/Gartenspiel

Garden GameThe children are missing their gardening times!  So they have been checking out lots of library books on beautiful gardens and on how to garden.  Today they got out our Garden Game, which teaches gardening, food chains, pest control, and more, all indoors!  It's not only educational, but a also a feast for the eyes. 

Die Kinder vermissen unsere Blumen- und Gemüsebeete.  Wir haben so viel Schnee und Kälte, daß sie sich jetzt aus der Bücherei viele Bücher mit Fotos von wunderhübschen Gärten und Bücher über das Gärtnern selbst ausgeliehen haben.  Heute nahmen sie sich dann noch unser Gartenspiel dazu.  Dieses Spiel ist sehr abwechselungsreich und bringt wichtige Konzepte über Unkrautbekämpfung, Schädlinge und Nahrungsketten bei.  Dazu ist die äußere Gestaltung des Spieles sehr ansprechend.

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  1. Ach das ist ja so hübsch! Damit spielen macht bestimmt viel Freude. Gärtnern tun wir auch gerne. Jetzt grade ist alles so kalt und verfrohren und Bilder von Blumen und Pflanzen tun doch so gut!!!

  2. ooohhhh, what a lovely game! i need to keep this in my pocket . . and have it find it's way into our home one of these days!

  3. Eva, do you know if the books "Essentials of English: Volume Two;" and "Essentials of English: Middle Grades" are the same as "Essentials of English - Second book?" Perhaps they are simply a modern reprint?

    Thanks for your help!

  4. Ja, Marlis, besonders bei all dem Schnee hier!

  5. Hello Dorina, we just got back from our snowshoe trip. Flora is asleep in the room where our Essentials of English book is. I'll get it out tomorrow and check it!

    The game is really nice, especially if you have some experience with gardening. My husband bought it for us before we had children and a garden! Now our children are playing it.

  6. Hello Dorina,
    I have "Essentials of English" here in front of me. My edition is from 1914, but is a special New York State edition. It is very similar to the Google books edition Essentials of English. This copy is for grades 4, 5, and 6. (Part 1 is for 4th grade, part 2 for 5th grade, and part 3 is for 6th grade). I took a look at Essentials of English: Middle Grades here. I think it is the same book as the other one, just a newer edition (1925). I saw some elements from the older edition in it. "Essentials of English: Second Book" seems to be for grades 7 and 8. Take a look here. I haven't been able to find anything about "Essentials of English: Volume Two," but would assume that it is also for grades 7 and up. Where did you find these copies? Are you looking at Google books or at used books somewhere? For what grade are you looking? Charlotte really enjoys the lessons, especially the creative writing assignments. Anyway, I hope that this will be somewhat helpful for you.


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