Thursday, October 18, 2012

Hans Augusto Reyersbach-Margarete Waldstein

Most Americans are probably familiar with "Curious George." But did you know that the original title of the book was The Adventures of Fifi, and that the authors were a German couple that later lived in Brazil, moved then back to Europe (France), escaped World War II through Spain and Portugal on a ship back to Brazil and eventually ended up in New York? You can read all this in the wonderful book The Journey That Saved Curious George: The True Wartime Escape of Margret and H.A. Rey by Louise Boden, which we discovered in the library on Tuesday after church.

Die meisten Amerikaner kennen und lieben das  Kinderbuch Coco der neugierige Affe.  Auch bei uns steht es im Bücherregal zusammen mit anderen Büchern derselben Verfasser.  Die wenigsten wissen jedoch, daß der Affe ursprünglich Fifi hieß und daß die Autoren ein deutsches Ehepaar waren, die erst in Braslien lebten, dann zurück nach Europa gezogen sind und lange in Paris wohnten.  Sie entkamen dort nur knapp der deutschen Invasion (sie waren beide Juden), flohen über Spanien und Portugal zurück nach Brasilien und kamen schließlich hier in New York an.  Man kann dieses spannende Leben in dem wunderbaren Kinderbuch The Journey That Saved Curious George nachlesen.    

Tomorrow we will visit an art exhibition on the Hudson River School and also participate in Holy Hour with other Catholic families.  I hope the rain will stop for our outing.

Morgen wollen wir uns eine Kunstausstellung der Hudson River School anschauen und dann an einer Anbetungsstunde mit anderen katholischen Familien teilnehmen.  Hoffentlich hört bis dahin der Regen auf.    


  1. Fascinating! I had no idea... now I will go and look for this book. :) I hope your weather improves!

    1. I was also so surprised, Reyersbach just got shortened to Rey. His wife studied at the Bauhaus and contributed to to books at least as much as he did.

  2. Benedict and Pip love Curious George. I'll have to see if I can get hold of the book.

    Thanks for sharing

    San xx

    1. It's really interesting to read and nicely done. We also learned that the two of them published nursery rhymes set to music (in French and English) and on of their books didn't get published until just about 10 years ago!


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