Monday, October 6, 2014


A wonderful Mass with many priests, the bishop, a beautiful choir, a full church, the Knights of Columbus, and happy faces all around.  Jonathan was one of the lectors.  He did a very good job.  I did not take many pictures during Mass, but a few before and after.

Eine wunderschöne Messe mit vielen Priestern, dem Bischof, einem guten Chor, einer vollen Kirche  den Kolumbusrittern und vielen glücklichen Gesichtern.  Jonathan war einer der Lektoren.  Ich habe nicht so viele Fotos während der Messe gemacht, aber ein paar davor und danach.

 Before Mass
Vor der Messe

 Miriam studying the program
Miriam liest das Programm

 Bishop giving last minute instructions to altar servers
Der Bischof gibt den Meßdienern die letzten Anweisungen 

Peter was the choir director tonight.  Here he is practicing with a few singers before Mass.
Peter hat heute abend den Chor geleitet.  Hier übt er mit en paar der Sänger vor der Messe.  

 Jonathan with his sponsor: Anointing with chrism.  Jonathan has picked the name George.
Jonathan mit seinem Firmpaten: Salbung mit Chrisam.  Jonathans Firmname ist Georg.  

Herzlichen Glückwunsch

 Steve, Bishop Malone, and Jonathan
Steve, Bischof Malone und Jonathan

 Peter with the organ player.
Peter mit der Organistin.

 Family picture with Bishop Malone
Familienfoto mit Bischof Malone

Opening presents
Geschenke auspacken


  1. Congratulations!

    The family photo with the Bishop looks great!

    1. Thanks, Christine, we were lucky to get that picture. The Bishop was about to leave when we managed to have it taken. He had to travel for almost two hours and it was already almost 9:00 p.m.

  2. Hello Eva, Congratulations to Jonathan! George is a very nice name. It was my grandfather's name (on my father's side). When was the confirmation, and when did Peter get home? It looks like it was a very nice celebration and mass.

    1. Thank you, Dorina. We don't have any George in the family. Maybe all the Michaelmas celebrations caused this choice of a name :). The Confirmation was at 7:00 p.m. last night. Peter got home late last Wednesday. The whole celebration went very smoothly. Everybody was pleased and there were no major glitches.

  3. Herzlichen Glückwunsch! What a lovely young man!

    1. Danke! And thanks for the compliment. I hope you had a wonderful women's weekend.

  4. Liebe Eva, nun komme ich endlich dazu die Tage nachzulesen an denen wir in England einen Internet- und Telefonverbindungsunterbruch hatten. Nachträglich aber trotzdem von ganzen Herzen gratulieren wir Jonathan! Wie er strahlt!

    1. Ganz lieben Dank, ich werde die Glückwünsche weitergeben!


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