Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Swan Lake/Schwanensee

I'm in the middle of preparing my German class for tomorrow, but I'm taking a short break to write here.

Ich bereite gerade mein Deutschseminar für morgen vor, aber ich mache eine kurze Blogpause.  

Last co-op class of the year: Charlotte made a book, Jonathan learned a lot about Adobe Photoshop, and both know how to play volleyball now.  Today the team Jonathan was on beat the team Charlotte was on, much to Jonathan's delight :).

Heute war die letzte Co-op Klasse des Jahres: Charlotte hat ein Buch gemacht, Jonathan hat viel über Adobe Photoshop gelernt, und beide können jetzt Volleyball spielen.  Heute hat die Mannschaft in der Jonathan war, die, in der Charlotte war, haushoch geschlagen, sehr zum Vergnügen meines Sohnes :).  

Miriam and I went to an advent devotion tonight in church.  It was such a rich way to continue the spirit of advent.

Miriam und ich waren heute zu einer Adventsandacht in der Kirche.  So haben wir die Adventsstimmung gleich vertiefen können.    

The ballet studio will perform a short version of Swan Lake next spring.  Jonathan will be Siegrfried, Charlotte will be Odile, Miram will be a swan, and Veronika will be a young princess.  Now they just have to practice.  (Flora's group will perform something more simple).  

Die Ballettschule wird eine Kurzfassung von Schwanensee im nächsten Frühjahr aufführen.  Jonathan wird Siegfried sein, Charlotte Odile, Miriam ein Schwan und Veronika eine Prinzessin.  Jetzt müssen sie nur noch viel üben!  (Floras Gruppe führt etwas einfacheres auf).   

Charlotte's voice lessons will start tomorrow!

Charlotte beginnt morgen mit dem Gesangsunterricht.  

Back to class prep and Flora, who just woke up :).

Zurück zu meinem Deutschbuch und Flora, die gerade wach geworden ist :).  


  1. Such wonderful events happening! Congrats to all the dancers! Lots of practice time ahead! It's very exciting.

    It's nice that you and Miriam went to the advent devotion. I've been wanting to get to a quiet weekday service at our Episcopal neighborhood church. However, this week is so very busy and Greg is away! Jack was sick at the beginning of it and one of the cats kept losing her cookies :P We also have a weekend of performances is coming up. I'm hoping for next week. We do have our advent table set, and our candle is out (same as yours-we have the angel one this year), and the lights are up in the windows. It's nice that Charlotte makes the advent wreath. I'd like to start doing that with our wreath for the door. I just have to buy the greens at the deli instead of cutting them from the yard!

    Oh! Kudos on the lesson organization. I think it sounds great. It's nice that you can do the main lesson for Science, History and Geography. What math and english texts are you using? Good luck with it all.

    Enjoy this lovely advent time.

    1. Jonathan was saying that a male dance teacher would be good for him now, but, of course, the next is 90 minutes away. I do hope that all goes well for the performance.

      Maybe next week you could make it to church? I do feel for you with all the dance activities, Greg gone, and sick/crazy animals. Julius was crouching on top of the landing/stairs today when I was going down to the laundry room. He was pretending (I hope!) to attack me. Must be the weather.

      Buying greens is not always bad. One year I cut something green, but whatever it was it lost all its needles!!

      I don't do math main lessons for the bigger children anymore, there is no time and it is not helpful because I'm not a math person. I do do the main lesson on Wish, Wonder, and Surprise, and I'm planning on doing some of the other English main lessons from Live Ed!, but I haven't had a chance. For English all the children are now using "Voyages in English" (the old catholic edition). It is a good solid program and works quite well, not awfully exiting, but kind of cute. Jonathan is working through "Correct Writing," another older catholic textbook. I also really like "Teaching the Classics" for grade nine. In grade ten we are going to do "The Elegant Essay" (technically Jonathan is in grade 10, but due to our travels he is still finishing up grade 9). For math, I do "Singapore Math 1-6" with "Miquon Math" and "Key to Series" thrown in. We also do CalcuLadder. Then I switch to New Elementary Math before going to either "Saxon (Jonathan) Algebra" or "Jacobs Algebra" (Charlotte next year) for grade nine.

      I hope this helps.

      All the best for this week!

  2. Hope Charlotte's lesson goes well. I loved your Advent post and as always your organisational skills are amazing!

    Love to you

    San and all xx

    1. She had a good lesson and likes the teacher. Thanks for your kind words, I don't know if my skills are so amazing, they were born out of necessity :).

  3. Thank you for the curriculum update. I do have Wish, Wonder and Surprise which I need to open . . We've also done "Essentials of English" which they actually have enjoyed. "Elegant Essay" sounds interesting. I'd like to look into that. We've done some of all the math mentioned . . math is the toughest for me. Is "Correct Writing" similar to Essentials of English with the use of classic literature?

    1. Oh no!!! I wrote this lonnnnng reply and it just disappeared! I guess I will have to try again, but probably not tonight anymore.

    2. "Wish, Wonder and Surprise" is best used only once in a while and not as a block. I would pick the texts that appeal to you and do one per week or month. Some of the activities didn't appeal to us at all.

      No, "Correct Writing" is more a grammar book with some writing assignments (most of them creative) interspersed. It is very good for grade nine. Jonathan really likes it although he thinks it must have been written for boys when you look at the sentences. Charlotte really liked "Essentials in English," there is one for high school, but I haven't seen it. You could also try the Jensen books (grammar and writing). There is also Windows to the World I have been thinking about. Some of the Easy Grammar high school books are also good, or Warriner's. For quite a few of them you can get lesson plans. If you are interested in any of these, I could give you links to where to find lesson plans.

      Yes, math is tough, but I do think if you want to get into college you either have to do the Saxon route (Algebra I, II, and Advanced Math) or Jacob's (Algebra, Geometry) followed by Foerster. You could also do Saxon Algebra, Jacobs Geometry and then Saxon again.

      We are also reading a book on English Literature for young adults. We do that once a week.


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