Sunday, December 1, 2013


 December 1

 Mary and Joseph on their way to the stable
Maria und Joseph auf dem Weg zum Stall

 The angel is bringing the "Christchild."
Der Engel bringt das Christkind.

 Reading Advent books
Lesen von Adventsbüchern

 Making the Advent wreath
Herstellung des Adventskranzes

 Decorated houses
Geschmückte Häuser

Have a blessed Advent
Einen gesegneten Advent an alle


  1. Dear Eva, Wishing you and your family a beautiful season!!!

    1. Oh, Renee, thanks so much for your wishes. I noticed that you have put up lovely decorations yourself. I was marveling at your nature table, so pretty! And the pictures of your daughters in the snow were so precious.

      Wishing you a wonderful advent also.


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