Saturday, November 16, 2013

Ironing Flora/Bügelnde Flora

When Flora saw me ironing, she decided that she was big enough to give it a try.

Als Flora mich beim Bügeln sah, dachte sie, sie könne das jetzt auch schon tun. 

What do you think?  Pretty grown-up!
Ganz schön groß, nicht wahr?

Later we soaked laundry with fruit stains.  Have you ever tried stain devils?  They are wonderful, especially the one for fruit stains, number 8.

Später haben wir dann Wäsche mit Obstflecken eingeweicht.  Dafür benutze ich gerne den Fleckenteufel Obst & Getränke.   

When Charlotte tried to fold laundry, Julius wanted to help.

Als Charlotte dann Wäsche falten wollte, war Julius auch gleich zur Stelle.

As a special treat after Saturday night baths, everybody was allowed to watch The Six Bullerby Children (The Children of Noisy Village).  We have a rule that you are only allowed to watch a movie that is based on a book when you have read the book.  (I guess for this movie the rule didn't apply to Flora).  Veronika started reading Astrid Lindgren books during our stay in Europe and loves them.  This particular movie also goes well with Norse Myths because it shows what growing up on a farm in Sweden in the last century looked like.  Very wholesome and fun!!  (Of course the people back then didn't believe those myths anymore).

Als kleine Belohnung nach dem Samstagbad durften dann alle Wir Kinder von Bullerbü sehen.  Wir haben eine Regel, daß man einen Film, der auf einem Buch basiert, erst dann sehen darf, wenn man das Buch gelesen hat.  (Für Flora haben wir eine Ausnahme gemacht).  Veronika hat während unseres Europaaufenthaltes angefangen, Astrid Lindgern zu lesen und mag die Bücher sehr.  Dieser Film paßt auch gut zu den nordischen Mythen, da man einen Eindruck einer glücklichen Kindheit auf einem Bauernhof im letzten Jahrhundert in Schweden erhält.  Nicht daß es da noch diese Mythen gab, aber man kann sich die nordischen Länder so besser vorstellen.       

Part 1 in Swedish:
Teil  1 auf Schwedisch:

Trailer in German:
Trailer auf Deutsch:

The rising moon was pretty tonight and we are all waiting for Peter to come home later. 

Der aufgehende Mond war heute abend wunderschön, und wir warten alle darauf, daß Peter später nach Hause kommt.  

P.S. This was my 1000th post!

P.S. Das war mein tausendster Blogbeitrag!


  1. Congratulations on your 1000th post! How long have you been blogging?

    So many wonderful things in your post: Flora is growing fast! And ironing is such fun at that age! -- Also, I'm sure Julius is a big help with the laundry:) -- We love Astrid Lindgren's books! We've read Noisy Village a few times and look forward to her other books. I didn't know there are movies... I'll take a peek at them. -- Enjoy your beautiful moon and homecoming. Barbara

    1. Thanks, Barbara, I wasn't aware of that number until it showed up after I had posted my entry. I started blogging around Christmas 2009, mainly to have a connection with all my German relatives and friends.

      Thanks for your compliments. Yes, Flora seems to be growing all of a sudden, not physically so much, but just in what she is trying to do. To welcome Peter he wrote him a note. I'm not teaching my children to read and write until they enter first grade, but she has shown an interest in letters (although she calls letters and numbers all numbers) and has copied them from books, etc. Miriam wrote down for her what she wanted to say to Peter and she copied it.

      Julius is such a nuisance when it comes to laundry. He ALWAYS tries to sit on it, of course, only on the freshly laundered one.

      There are a lot of movies from Lindgren's books, especially in German. Many of them were made when I grew up and they are available on DVD. The ones above are newer, though. We have almost all of them and they are all delightful. I have relatives in Sweden and I have traveled there quite a bit. So I can also talk a bit about the country with my children.

      We had hoped to see the full moon tonight, but it's too cloudy. I'm glad we got to see it last night.

  2. We enjoyed "The Children of Noisy Village" very much. We came across it in the library one day. Thanks for recommending Julius Caesar. We're going to watch it Monday or Tuesday.

    Congrats on your 1000th post! And Flora is becoming very capable! I remember when Korrina was quite little and first reminded my mom and I about an object that was supposed to go home with my mom when she was visiting. I remember thinking, "Oh! She has a better memory than me!" She was no longer just a little one for me to take care of. Charlotte and Chanda are looking very grown up these days! Chanda is taller than me now. You're lucky you still have children smaller than you :) When I don't look directly at them and I'm working in the kitchen or around the apartment, I'm constantly thinking Morgana is Chanda or Korrina is Morgana . . !

    It's a beautiful moon tonight . . Enjoy having Peter home again :)

    1. Have fun with the movie, its is quite good although it is so old.

      Thanks for your congratulations. Maybe I'm blogging too much :). Yes, Flora has always been quite practical, but now she really wants to do more than what she has been doing. That is fun to watch. When you shared your incidence with Korrina I had to think of the game memory. I was so good at it as a child, but now even Flora is much better than I.

      Chanda is really taller! I'm tall myself, so even Jonathan hasn't caught up to me, but he is eager to do and hopes to catch up with me soon. His feet are bigger than mine.

      I also mix my girls when I get out the new summer or winter wardrobe and a dress gets passed on to the next sister. Just seeing the dress I want to say "Charlotte," but now it's already Veronika or Flora wearing it. Time does fly.

      Today is supposed to be the full moon, but we have too many clouds here. It is good to have Peter back home. He was home at 2:00 a.m.

  3. Well done for reaching such a magnificent milestone! My life is certainly made all the richer for having you as a friend, thank God for the internet!

    I loved the pic of Flora ironing and I cannot get over how grown up Charlotte suddenly looks, such a beautiful smile. I will have to see if we can watch the film you recommended we love Astrid Lindgren

    1. So nice to have you as a reader, San!

      Yes, Charlotte is a young lady, at least most of the time :).

      There are so many German Astrid Lindgren movies (dubbed from the Swedish), they must have English versions of them. Most of them would be also suitable for Pip, except maybe "Ronja," that has loud robbers in it and is not so good for little children, but would be fun for Benedict. I watched them all on TV when growing up.

  4. Herzig, deine Kinder. Habe soeben bemerkt, dass der Junge auch der Einzige unter den vielen Mädchen ist - wie bei uns!


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