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Kreidefelsen auf Rügen |
Miriam beschäftigt sich im Moment mit Kalk und Basalt. Heute haben wir Auszüge aus dem englischen Buch On a Piece of Chalk gelesen und uns dann Kalkgesteinformationen der Kreidefelsen von Dover und Rügen und die Fingalshöhle angesehen, leider nur auf Bildern. Danach hat Miriam getestet, ob unsere kalifornischen Muscheln auch Kalziumkarbonat enthalten, indem sie einige Tropfen Essig auf die Muscheln getropft hat. Da es geblubbert hat, haben wir so Kalziumkarbonat nachgewiesen. Während unserer Musikzeit konnten wir dann auch gut Mendelssohns Fingalshöhle (Die Hebriden) hören.
Flora is practicing the letter "H" with the fairy-tale "Hansel and Gretel."
One last picture of Charlotte practicing her flute.
Hier ist noch ein letztes Foto von Charlotte, die Querflöte übt.
Jonathan had his last but one appointment with the physical therapist. Flora had ballet, I taught my students about the German accusative case, adjective endings, and names for articles of clothing. We also played a puzzle game about what you do in a German university cafeteria.
Jonathan hatte heute seinen vorletzten Termin bei dem Krankengymnast. Flora hatte Ballett. Ich habe meinen Studenten den Akkusativ, einige Adjektivendungen und Wörter für Kleidungsstücke beigebracht. Wir haben auch ein Puzzlespiel über deutsche Mensen gemacht (man mußte Sätze in die richtige Reihenfolge bringen, die den Besuch einer Mensa beschreiben.)
In the late afternoon I met with Miriam and Veronika in the college library Miriam is doing a unit study on how to use a library and Veronika did some research on chipmunks for her nature study book. It was too wet to do our nature study outside today.
Am späten Nachmittag habe ich mich mit Miriam und Veronika in der Collegebibliothek getroffen. Miriam lernt etwas über das amerikanische Bibliothekswesen (das ist hier Pflichfach) und Veronika wollte etwas über Streifenhörnchen herausfinden, weil wir wegen Dauerregens nicht draußen unsere gewöhnlichen Naturstudien machen konnten.
Hello Eva, I haven't been online and have missed checking in with you and San :) Much has been going on! Friedrich's painting is beautiful and Miriam's lesson block sounds very interesting and Mendelssohn's "Fingal's Cave" is a favorite piece of Chanda's :) I'm playing it now while I read your posts.
ReplyDeleteDo you still have the Moussaka recipe? Maybe if you ever have a moment you could take a picture of it and email it? It's so great that Wegman's carries the leaves. I've never seen that! Maybe I need to look more carefully :) It's funny that you mention the Ouzo as I brought several bottles home in my suitcase for my mom and dad when I visited Greece years and years ago!
I'm very impressed with Veronika's lace making and look forward to showing Morgana! How did you find the workshop? And the house that you rented? We've been to Ithaca several years ago . . it's gorges! :P (We saw that everywhere and it started driving Greg nuts. He found it so annoying). Your photo of Cayuga Lake is really lovely. It was a spectacular blue! The Moosewood restaurant was the first place we went to. I was so happy to be there and the food was delicious! You were there at the perfect time . . the trees are really beautiful.
Kudos to Jonathan on his work taking the PSAT and good luck to him with the SAT. And has the physical therapy helped him with his injury? I hope he's doing much better now. Oh! And I enjoyed seeing him behind the wheel of the car! We need to get Morgana out more. Has he been enjoying learning how to drive? Are you?!
It was nice seeing the grandparents visit and seeing Flora ironing. She's such a big girl now :) Happy Birthday to Charlotte!!! Our turn is coming soon . .two more weeks . . Chanda keeps me posted :)
We were in Rhinebeck for the Sheep and Wool Festival for the snowfall! It was freezing up there! 36 degrees that day. We had a really nice visit and I have pics to put up in a post.
It's nice that you often go to Vespers on Sunday evening. It sounds peaceful and thoughtful :)
I had better go unload the dishwasher. It's my turn today :)
P.S. Charlotte's cards and gifts are really lovely, as was your sunrise photo! Have you been able to see Venus, Jupiter and Mars in the morning? It's been cloudy the past two days, but they've been a welcome sight these past few weeks for me. I can see them out of the living room window.
I will get the recipe to you. One is in German, the other in English. Maybe Morgana could translate?
DeleteI was looking for lace makers around here and found that workshop. I started e-mailing with a few of the ladies and they were very welcoming. Veronika even received a scholarship to pay for some of the costs :). We found the house on airbnb.com. It is a wonderful place for finding houses to rent in NY. Most hotels were booked because of the leaves: Lots of people from NYC come there during the fall. We were really lucky to find that house. I did not notice "Ithaca is gorges," but maybe I did not look well enough.
Jonathan is doing better, but his leg still hurts when he jumps a lot. Mr. Grigorian is very concerned about him. He even called once about a change of ballet lessons and then asked how Jonathan's leg was doing :).
We found this great booklet called "Parent-Teen Manual for Learning to Drive" by Warren Quensel. It has great lessons and is easy to follow. We found ours at the library. I do have some other books from the library to help with the task, but his one is really good (although a bit dated). I took Jonathan out again today. He is learning quickly and drives carefully.
I will tell Charlotte "Happy Birthday" from you. Now she also wants to get a driver's permit, but Peter thinks one is enough for now.
I saw the Rhinebeck pictures. The weather must be similar to here.
The vespers are really prayerful. It's a shame that not many people go.
Peter is unloading our dishwasher right now :).
No, we have not been able to see them. To see those, you need to drive up the hill into the open. It is hard to see many stars here because of the location and the woods so close by. We gave Charlotte a constellation mug for her birthday. When it is empty, it shows regular stars, but when you add a hot beverage, the constellation will form on the outside, very neat!
Happy 16th birthday, Charlotte!!! Our love ale blessings are with you, Barbara and family
ReplyDeleteThanks so much, Barbara!
DeleteWas lernt man denn über das Bibliothekswesen - seine Geschichte, wie es entstanden ist? ich kann mir das nicht so gut vorstellen, und dass es sogar ein eigenes Fach ist (also nicht z. B. Teil eines Fachs wie Geschichte oder so). Weshalb ist es denn Pflicht, ist es also sehr wichtig, darüber Bescheid zu wissen?
ReplyDeleteEin wenig über die Geschichte, aber vor allen Dingen, wie öffentliche Büchereien und Unibibliotheken geordnet sind (Dewey System und Kongreßbibliothekssytem). Dann lernt man, wie ein Buch aufgebaut ist (Verlag, Druck, Datum usw.) und vor allen Dingen, wie man eine Bücherei oder Bibliothek zu Forschungszwecken benutzt, also wo und wie man Informationen findet. Es läuft hier als extra Fach, weil man dieses Wissen braucht, um in der Oberschule Aufsätze zu schreiben.
DeleteDave's first university dissertation involved basalt :-) x
ReplyDeleteDid he do research about the British basalt?
DeleteYes it was about Scottish Tertiary Basalt.
DeleteWe have to look that up :)).