Curriculum Plans 2022/2023

Grade 7:

Main Lessons:
  1. Geography of Europe: Catholic World Culture (?), Elementary Geography and Cultures (parts about Europe), library books, draw Europe  (September)
  2. Physics: Light/optics, magnetism, mechanics, electricity  (October)
  3. History: Middle Ages up to 1700: The Age of Age of Discovery  (November)
  4. Math: Geometry (Pythagoras), Mystery Math, Key to Algebra 1  (December, January)
  5. English: Wish, Wonder, SurpriseCozy GrammarWinston Grammar, Imagery in Poetry, Waldorf Teacher Resources, A Child's Introduction to Poetry, Figuratively Speaking, Forms and Elements of Literature, Building Writing Skills   (February)
  6. Geography of Africa: The Meerkats (DVD), Africa DVD: Savanna Homecoming (Kenya, Tanzania), Sahara (Tuareg), Rainforest: Central Africa (Baku), Mountains (Ethiopia), Sahel (Fulani), Lake Victoria, Zanzibar (leopards), South Africa, teacher guideAfrica (book from movie), Buschmann, Buddha, Tuareg  (41 sub-topics for Africa), Elementary Geography and Cultures (use parts about Africa, Asia)  (March)
  7. Chemistry: Combustion, chemical transformation, acids, bases, salts, lime cycleYou Wouldn't Want to Live Without Fire, The Story of Salt  (April)
  8. Geology/Astronomy: (May)
  9. History/Finish work that did not get done: (June) Electricity

Main Lesson Source: 

Live Education!  (Grade 7 plus some of their materials from grade 6 and 8)


World History:
American History:
Nature Study:
Biblical Greek:

Handwork/Practical Arts:  Finish felt cat and knitted owl, sew doll, draw-string bag, whittling (Carving for Kids), Little Women Hospitality Program, Christian Charm Course, TTRS Typing

Library Skills:
  • Ballet classes
  • Walking, swimming

Grade 11:

  1. Earth Science/Geography: MeteorologyApologia: Physical Science: Module 7 and 8, Cloud Mobile Kit  (September)
  2. History: Medieval and Renaissance: Civilisations: Episodes 1-6; Story of Mankind ("Rise of the Church"- "The Reformation"), The Other Side of History: Lectures 37-48. Walter Dragun's Town; Early Recorder MusicRenaissance MapRenaissance Composers, Renaissance Fiddling Tunes for RecorderSinners and Saints Music CDRenaissance Character MapBingoDas MittelalterexperimentDas RenaissanceexperimentDie Burg im Mittelalter, Medieval cooking, How to Make a Medieval ManuscriptVideoBookbinding kit, Make illuminated letters, Calligraphy and Illumination, The Illuminated Alphabet, Medieval flute music, Masquerade mask, Leather pouch kit, Castles webquest, Middle Ages Board Game,Viking ideas, "The Nibelungenlied" (read together in German) (September/October)
  3. Physics: Electricity and Magnetism: DVD: Physics 101: Disc C: 10-12, Disc D; The World of Physics: Ch. 10 (Electricity), Ch. 11 (Magnetism), Ch. 12 (Electromagnetism), Apologia Physical Science Module 12, Videos to accompany the lessonEinstein's Big Idea, Waldorf High School Teaching Materials, Cartoon Guide to Physics, Georg Simon Ohm und der elektrische Widerstand, André-Marie Ampère und der Elektromagnetismus, Allesandro Volta, Glühlampe von Thomas EdisonCarl Friedrich GaußPlanet Schule (November)
  4. Music: Music as a Mirror of History: The Great Courses, finish Music Appreciation  (December)
  5. English: Medieval Literature: Adventures in English Literature ("The Anglo-Saxon Period," "The Medieval Period"), The Gold Book of World Literature: Beowulf, Das Keltenexperiment, The Song of Roland (read-aloud in German Die Rolandsage with Flora or the version by Dorothy Sayers), Anglo-Saxon RiddlesParzifal or from Medieval Romances, Wagner Parzifal, Sir Gawain and the Green KnightMedieval Romances, Graphic OrganizerAdvanced Communication Series: Disc 1 and 2  (out of print) ("Persuasive Writing" and "Notetaking"), Warriner's English and Composition, Fifth Course; Passport to British  Literature  (January)
  6. Chemistry: History of ChemistryA Brief History of Chemistry, Usborne Lift-the-flap Periodic Table.  Build your own wall display of the periodic table using Post-It Notes (Use a stack of sticky notes, all the same size but a variety of colors similar to those found on a standard periodic table. Build a wall display. Write in the atomic number, the symbol, and the name of each element.), projects (Basement Workshop), The Mystery of Matter: Out of Thin AirThe Mystery of Matter: Unruly ElementsThe Mystery of Matter YouTube: Into the Atom, The Disappearing Spoon ?, Electric Pickle, Investigating the Periodic Table with Experiments, Periodic Table Game, Make element cards, Element cards, Ideas, Periodic table people(February)
  7. English: British Romantic Literature: School of Life: Romanticism, RomanticismAdventures in English Literature ("The Romantic Age"), The Gold Book British Literature  ("The Romantic Poets," "More Romantic Poets"), The Literature BookWildly Romantic?, Revolutionaries and RomanticsAdvanced Communication Series: Disc 1 and 2  (out of print) ("Persuasive Writing" and "Notetaking"), Warriner's English and Composition, Fifth Course,   (March)
  8. Botany: Kingdom Plantae, Fungi & Genetics: Charlotte Mason High School Biology: Unit 4, Plantology  (April)
  9. English: Shakespeare: Hamlet and The Tempest  (Hillsdale)  (Oxford School Hamlet, Oxford School Tempest, Arkangel Shakespeare), The Tempest (picture book), The Tempest,  DVD The Tempest and/or DVD The Tempest, Hamlet, DVD Hamlet and/or DVD Hamlet, TpT Hamlet, TpT The TempestAdventures in English Literature ("The English Renaissance")  The World Awakes: Part 4  (May)
  10. Geometry: Projective Geometry: Mathematics and Logic (Hillsdale), Projective Geometry Lecture, Flatland, Drawing Circle Images, Creative Drawing: Symbols and Sacred Geometry, Drawing Geometric Solids, Mathematics in Nature, Space, and Time, To the Infinite and Back Again, Book 1  (June)


Art/Home economics: 

German: Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts (von Eichendorff), Film, Caspar David Friedrich (College library, video video, ), Novalis (Hymnen an die Nacht), Schlegel, Novalis, Tieck (Lutz Görner), Joseph von Eichendorff (Lutz Görner, Folgen 44 und 45), Im Eckfenster, Der Diktat-Trainer, Utopie (110 Seiten), Schreiben lernen, Aha! (Landeskunde), Zeichensetzung ab 6. Klasse und für Erwachsene  (99 Punkte), National German Exam in December/January, Die Rechtschreibschule (161 Einträge), Sprachbar, Deutsches Lesebuch 37 ff., Gedichte 47 ff.), Der geheime Bericht über den Dichter Goethe, Deutsches Literaturlesebuch (I-IX), Der Verbrecher aus verlorener Ehre (Material und Fragen), Wir Deutschen (1-7)

Religion: World religions (Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Islam and Hinduism): Religionen der Welt, One World: Many Religions, Catholicism (Word on Fire) with Leader's Guide and Pilgrim Journal or just use the regular study guide, Confirmation Prep., The Catholic Faith Handbook for YouthFrau Heinrich und die 7 Todsünden

Driver's Ed: Study booklet for written test

Study Skills: Study is Hard Work (Read the relevant chapters.), Typing

Circle Time/Together:

The Presidency (Gerald W. Johnson)
The Cabinet  (Gerald W. Johnson)
The Congress
The Supreme Court

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