Thursday, December 14, 2017


Flora is learning about the Old Testament and Chanukah.  
Flora lernt die jüdischen Feste des Alten Testaments kennen.  

Our picture book tonight was Latkes and Applesauce, a very cute story.

Unser Bilderbuch heute abend hat mit dem Thema zu tun.   


  1. Happy Chanukah! Korrina lit a menorah also. Brian is Jewish on his father's side. His family has always celebrated Christian and Jewish holidays. It's such a beautiful, hopeful and busy time of year!

    1. Thank you. We bought this Menorah for Veronika to get to know the Jewish festivals. Is Brian Jewish? It must be hard to have a Jewish/Christian marriage and I wonder how his parents do it. I think it would take a lot of commitment to make it work and I would not know what to do with children and their religious upbringing in a situation like this, at least not once they got older and started to ask questions.

  2. Sehr sehr schön, einfach die schönste und gemütlichste Zeit des Jahres!


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