Friday, June 3, 2016

Local History/Lokalgeschichte

We had lunch in the Duke House, an old house in our area that is now a restaurant.  They completely renovated it.  You can see the different rooms here.  Veronika is studying the history of NYS right now and so our trip to this house was perfect timing.

Heute haben wir im Duke Haus gegessen, einem sehr alten Haus (von ca. 1850) hier in der Gegend, das sie zu einem Restaurant umgewandelt haben.  Man kann die verschiedenen Zimmer hier sehen.  Veronika macht im Moment Geschichte und Erdkunde vom Staate New York; da paßte ein solcher Besuch perfekt.  

Of course, we did not just go there, but also visited our pediatrician for a vaccination for Miriam and, since we already had this appointment for Miriam, asked about a bad burn on Veronika's arm.  Veronika burned her arm on Monday while trying to look into a pot with steaming asparagus.  It is healing nicely, but we thought we would ask our pediatrician if there was anything else he would recommend for a 2nd degree burn.  He thought we had done a nice job treating it and gave us some warning signs to look for in case the burn got infected.  He also gave us some material  to cover it in case the blisters stick to her clothing.  He showed us how to wrap it and told us to text him a picture of her arm if we thought it was looking worse.  He is such a wonderful doctor and he has seen all our children growing up.  You can even call him at home with questions.  

And then we found me a new pair of sandals (Naot brand) because my old ones, after 10 wonderful years, are finally worn through and one of the sandals has simply disappeared.  Jonathan drove all the way and also downtown.  He will have to take his driving test in that area, but we are still working on getting his 50 hours of practice driving time together.  15 of those hours need to be done after sunset.
Miriam also had a titer blood test done at the local hospital.
Miriam hatte auch einen Termin für einen Bluttest zur Bestimmung des Impftiters in dem Kreiskrankenhaus.

Natürlich haben wir nicht nur dort gegessen, sondern auch einige andere Dinge erledigt.  Miriam mußte geimpft werden und bei dieser Gelegenheit haben wir unserem Kinderarzt Veronikas Arm gezeigt, den sie am Montag mit heißem Wasserdampf verbrüht hat.  Sie wollte nur mal sehen, was ich kochte (grüner Spargel) und dabei ist der heiße Deckel auf ihren Arm gefallen.  Der Arzt hat uns bestätigt, daß wir die Verbrennung sehr gut behandeln würden und uns auch gesagt, auf welche Warnungszeichen wir achten müssen, falls diese Verbrennung 2. Grades sich entzünden würde.  Wir haben Verbandmaterial mitbekommen, damit wir die Brandblasen vor Verschmutzungen schützen können und der Arzt hat uns gezeigt, wie man so eine Wunde verbindet.  Falls wir denken, die Verbrennung wird schlimmer, können wir ihm einfach ein Foto texten und brauchen dann nicht wieder extra zu ihm zu fahren.  Wir haben wirklich großes Glück mit diesem Kinderarzt, und er hat alle Kinder aufwachsen sehen.  Man kann ihn sogar mit Fragen zu Hause anrufen.  

Danach haben wir mir ein Paar neue Sandalen gekauft.  Meine alten haben zehn Jahre lang gehalten, aber jetzt sind sie so ziemlich durch und eine Sandale ist auch verschwunden.  Jonathan ist die ganze Zeit gefahren.  Er muß dort in der Nähe seine Fahrprüfung machen und so ist es gut, daß er die Gegend kennenlernt.  Im Moment versuchen wir jedoch noch seine 50 Stunden Pflichtübungs-fahrzeit (15 Stunden davon müssen nach Sonnenuntergang sein) zusammenzubekommen.    

Walking downtown is always a pleasure.
Hier in der Innenstadt kann man schön spazierengehen.

Flora is very busy with all her children.  The other day she told Jonathan she either wants to become a forester and take care of all injured animals, a nun, or open a store.  Now we have to see which of these she will choose :).

Flora hat eine ganze Menge Arbeit mit ihren Kindern.  Neulich hat sie Jonathan gesagt, sie wolle entweder Förster werden und sich um kranke Tiere kümmern, oder Nonne oder einen Laden aufmachen.  Jetzt sind wir gespannt, wie sie sich entscheidet.  

And Miriam and Veronika are trying to decide what to plant in their beds.
Und Miriam und Veronika versuchen herauszufinden, was sie in ihren Beeten pflanzen wollen.


  1. You are very busy, and Jonathan has been working hard at his driving :) Veronika's burn sounds painful. I hope it's feeling better. When do you get the results from Miriam's titer test? The Duke House looks very nice! It looked like a very nice treat for a day spent dealing with doctors and hospitals :) Downtown does look very beautiful.

    I love Flora's ideas for a possible occupation :) And I look forward to seeing what goes into the garden beds! I remember Louisa May Alcott writing about the children's garden beds in _Little Men_. The plants always reflected the children's personalities.

    1. Yes, Jonathan is making progress. There is still parallel parking, though.

      Veronika's burn looks pretty bad. It is quite big, almost he whole lower arm has been burnt (just the inside, though). We alternate between letting it dry in the air and covering it with antibiotic cream and the silver cream you sent for Julius :). There was still some left and I read it is good for burns. For the pain she takes Ibuprofen as needed.

      Miriam did the test herself (she did not want us to go in with her). She forgot to ask when they will have the results. She has only received one MMR and we want to make sure that she is still protected. We did the same test with Jonathan and Charlotte when they were that age. Jonthan needed a booster, but Charlotte did not.

      The Duke House just opened a while ago. It was quite nice, not super fancy, but for this area something different. The people were very friendly and the food was good.

      Flora did not feel good today (some kind of cold) and she spent some time on the couch in the living-room. She chose a book with prayers to be next to her (she does not read English so far, just some German, but the book was in English). I thought that was a very interesting choice. She also told Peter that he needed to buy more dental floss because the kind he bought was just good for sewing ballet slippers! Peter had bought the Reach brand and apparently Flora thinks that it is only used by Jonathan and Charlotte for sewing ballet slippers. She is too funny.

      Miriam has already planted something, but I am not sure what. Charlotte has also planted something in hers. Just Veronika is still waiting to have her bed finished. We have to prepare the ground for her before we can add the soil mix. With her injury she is not able to do it herself. I have never read "Little Men."

      P.S. I think your comment got cut off!

    2. P.S. Yes . . that parallel parking can be quite a challenge and very annoying unless you have to do it several times during the week! My friend from Liverpool likes to brag to her childhood friends that one thing she can do very well now is parallel park!

    3. We still have to find a place to practice parallel parking. Not so easy around here. There is so much space! I think most Europeans are really good at it because they have to do it all the time.

  2. Oh my goodness . . poor poor Veronika! I hope she is feeling better today!

    Miriam was very brave and grown up and independent! And Flora is sweet!

    Please take pics of the plant beds if you can :)

    1. Yes, she was feeling better the next day, but she did take Ibuprofen several days in a row. Her arm is healed now, but she does have a large brown spot now, covering most of her lower arm.

      I guess Miriam is also growing up. She is immune, by the way, and does not need the second MMR shot.


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